He’s a baby now (Day 101)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2020
Photo by Henley Design Studio on Unsplash

The most common thing you hear a parent say is “They grow up so fast, so cherish the time you have with them.” And seeing Otto grow is really strong evidence for this saying that I didn’t get before having a baby. Not truly.

Today we removed his newborn insert of the baby car seat as he’s been laying in it somewhat awkwardly. Now he seems snugger for his size in it and safer, which is the most important part.

We also put away the infant insert for his Mamaroo as his feet are slowly reaching over the edge. We got a month or two in that thing before he outgrows it.

As I look at him during bath time, I wish we got a bigger tub than this foldable Stokke one we bought. He likes to push himself from the side with his little legs while my husband is holding him and he splashes around and grins. It’s adorable but now, there are literally maybe ten centimeters of space to do this. So we’re counting on him to start sitting on his own soon before there’s no space left in the tub.

It is a paradox. A duality that contradicts. On one hand, you do everything in your power and means so they grow and develop as best as they can. On the other, you wish that it wouldn’t go so fast, leaving you just with sweet memories of their early months (and thousands of photos and videos nowadays of course).

Motherhood in numbers:

  • exercise: none
  • eaten: twice
  • shower: none

