Holiday traditions (Day 90)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2020
Photo by on Unsplash

I love the holidays. There is this warm fuzzy feeling that flushes over me each time in the last month of the year. And I am exceptionally happy that we now share them with our little Otto. I just know I’ll infect him with this fever as well. We’ve been singing and dancing to evergreen Christmas songs from the beginning of the month.

Today we decided to put up our (old plastic) little Christmas tree. I have to say that I’m still torn between doing it on December 24th and having it to start bringing holiday cheer few weeks before. Nonetheless, we went with the latter option this year.

When it was just my husband and me (meaning our place wasn’t so cluttered), we loved having a huge real Christmas tree that would take up a good portion of our living room and decorating it with all kinds of ornaments. Now, our son’s play gym has its spot where the tree would be.

My husband and I both agreed that having a big enough house where a special area would be dedicated for a Christmas tree is a must, and we found yet another reason to move into our dream home as soon as possible.

There is yet another tradition that I follow for many years now. I write and send seasonal greeting cards. This year it was sixteen. We sent out the ones with our family photo from the photoshoot to our immediate family and few friends and a lot of them to people that I’ve been sending Christmas cards for years. I just love this tradition. I’ve always loved getting them and I love sending them even more.

This year, since it is the first holiday season for us as a family and Otto’s first Christmas, we decided on adding two more family traditions.

Each year, we will host a Christmas eve dinner for our family. All of our family members have a standing invitation — each December 24th at six p.m. we start and we eat until we drop. I expect that there will be plenty of great memories from these gatherings.

And the second tradition I wanted to start is getting our boy (and any other children we may have) a Christmas tree ornament each year. We will select an ornament that marks something worthy of remembering that he did or achieved in the last year. With years of Christmases together, we will slowly fill out our tree just with ornaments from our children’s lives. I believe it will be wonderful to look later on.

Boy, having typed this up now, I do see that I have a thing for traditions. Well, what can you do? It’s just how some of us are. I personally love it!

Motherhood in numbers:

  • diapers changed: five
  • shower: none
  • exercise: none

