Never leave my side (Day 29)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2019
Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

They say there is no such thing as over spoiling your baby. It is good that is so because I would have a hard time leaving him even for a little bit. Nature is a funny thing. As it happens, Otto also never wants to leave my side.

It should be exhausting, but it actually isn’t. Yes, hearing him cry and trying to figure out what he needs is stressful. His constant demand for feeding when he’s awake is leaving my breasts sore. But loving someone so much … Well, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

On the day that our boy turned four weeks old, we were stuck to each other non-stop. I had plans for us to go for a walk, but I still am not comfortable with going out when he is screaming his lungs out. So I soothed him every time with some feeding.

But this can’t go on like that, because, as it turns out, he isn’t getting enough quality sleep. He sleeps alright, but it’s more catnapping between breastfeeding that happens a lot.

So after some research, I found this program called Little Ones and I will try to correct his routine in a way that he is fed and snuggled enough and also, that he sleeps enough for him to be well-rested. We start tomorrow.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • breastfeeding sessions: twelve
  • cleanliness report: washed my hair (yippy!!)
  • afternoon nap: three hours long

