Sleep is king (Day 32)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2019
Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

My own. My husband’s. My son’s. Sleep is ever so important. We know this on the days when there is enough of it. And we especially feel that on the days when sleep is lacking.

Saturday for our little family was great. We rested a lot. Following the Little Ones sleep schedule, we slept well during the night (we slept until 10.30 am) and using the morning hours to sleep some more after feeding. And then, we rewarded ourselves by going to this new pizza place in our home town. Otto was an angel, sleeping through it all.

We even got to go for a walk and a coffee. I did however had to breastfeed him at the cafe. It wasn’t my first time feeding him in public, but it still was kinda awkward. I braved it through though. My son needed it.

It was great to be out and about for two of us as well. Just to talk and laugh and marvel. We truly are blessed to be living where we do.

All energized from enough sleep and from our outing, even breastfeeding seemed to go easier for me. Which lately, in my book means as a good omen.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • hours of sleep: twelve
  • exercise: walking, thirty minutes
  • breastfeeding sessions: nine

