Soothing by Mommy (Day 77)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2019
Photo by Nyana Stoica on Unsplash

Before Otto was born, I was sure that I won’t have any problem “sharing” him with members of our immediate family to help with caring for our precious little boy. Even though I am more protective of him that I thought I would be, the problem of “sharing” is not with me as it is with how nature intended to because he only can fall asleep for any longer time by being breastfed.

But well, I suppose it is right that way in these early months. Moms have a special place in our little one's lives. Still, it is proven over and over again, that he wants to be soothed by me on many occasions during the day. Sure, he has fallen asleep in his daddy’s arms and even my mom has successfully put him down for his nap. But this is not something that lasts. Maybe half an hour and then he cries his famous “neh” and it is mommy to the rescue.

It is true, however, that I am not able to soothe him in any different way than with breastfeeding. I suppose that I smell of milk to him, and he knows by now that if he just expresses the need, I will feed him.

I’m very pleased that by now, he has learned that he stops eating when he is full. Because maybe even a week ago, he would just eat and eat and then bring all that extra back up over and over. He didn’t seem to be bothered by that, just that he wanted to eat again when he “lost” some of the milk.

Hopefully that with age, and especially when he starts with solids (which will be in some three months), he will develop some other ways to be soothed other than my breast almost exclusively.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • exercise: none
  • diapers changed: six
  • meals eaten: three

