Status: Tired (Day 40)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2019
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

Sunday was a low energy day. For me. My boys were fine. So I decided that I need some rest and again, my husband came to the rescue.

Our son is still quite clingy and demands food from me the second I make it. It was also the last of the sunny autumn days and it was only fair that those who could, to make use of it.

They went out and enjoyed some father-son moments for almost two hours — there was some driving, some walking, some sleeping in the stroller and also some crying. But eventually, they came home, because the need for milk was too great for my little boy.

Anyhow, I did get some rest. Not as much as I would need after forty days of broken sleep.

Really, it has come to that that I don’t mind or even remember the food I ate. I obviously ate something, because I know I need to in order to produce milk for Otto, but what was it is just irrelevant.

I, however, haven’t lost the urge to comfort my son when he needs me. It just isn’t hard to answer anytime he wants me to feed or cuddle him. And I do it with huge amount of gratefulness that he is here, healthy and the source of such joy for our family.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • shower: one, with hair washed
  • sleep: seven hours
  • diapers changed: four (four by my husband)

