Stuck to me like glue (Day 85)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2020
Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash

Today, Otto was in an exceptionally good mood. He woke up smiling and really interested in playing with me the whole day. He napped like a pro and fed when he needed to. I kinda had the feeling that he decided to show me that there is no reason to go away from him.

It is the strangest feeling when you evidently can see how someone is so dependant on you. Even though I still think it was a good thing we went out yesterday and Otto stayed home with his grandmother, I think we shouldn’t do this again for some time. If one of us goes out for a couple of hours, we know he’s fine. But just not both of us.

Today we really used up all the Playfully app’s suggestions to play. I made him a toy from the toilet paper rolls, cutting two of them in two places, getting six rings in total. I fortified the rolls with some masking tape. Then I placed the rings into a muffin tray and we worked on Otto’s pincer grasp.

He couldn’t do it just yet by grabbing them with his thumb and index finger, instead, he kind of made a hook out of different fingers on his hand and scooped four of the six rings out of the tray.

We also had to make a trip to Ljubljana for our last craniosacral therapy of the year and Otto’s second Santa, this time at my husband’s work. The program was a little bit loud and advanced for Otto, but we went to Ljubljana anyway and we returned home together which was a bonus.

When we got home, my husband gave Otto his bath as he usually does, and our little boy splashed the water around which he hasn’t done before. It was a pure joy to see trying to kick away from the side of the tub. It’s amazing how with each passing day, I am more in love with him.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • diapers changed: six
  • daytime naps: none
  • shower: none

