The constant noise (Day 57)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2019
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Otto sleeps well during the night. We are so grateful for that. We get him to sleep between seven and eight p.m. and he first wakes around eleven p.m. After changing him and feeding him shortly, he sleeps and wakes around three a.m. and then again between six and seven a.m. If it’s closer to seven, we just get up and we start the day.

This night routine came quite naturally from day zero, but we also are sticking to the daytime naps routine by Little Ones that are appropriate for his age. So he’s just tired enough to have himself a quality night-time sleep. And mummy as well.

This isn’t the case each day, especially this isn’t the case with his day naps. As we have different activities, we adapt the routine if necessary. He also sometimes naps in our laps. Especially in mine after breastfeeding.

But what we always stick to is his sleep association that he made with the white and pink noise devices that give him a signal that it is time for sleep. They have been working like charm to get him to settle and I hope they will continue to work so well.

I, however, have had enough of these sounds. I believe I have forgotten how it is to fall asleep with perfect quiet in the room. And to be frank, I miss it.

Another sacrifice we had to make for our baby’s sake I guess.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • diapers changed: five
  • headache: in the morning, after a long time
  • teeth washed: once

