A Happy New Year!

MaryRose Denton
A Year of Ritual
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2 min readDec 31, 2020
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Greetings and salutations! And a very happy new year! Can you believe it? This turbulent year of 2020 is finally coming to a close. We are turning the page on the calendar and turning the wheel of the year.

Together this year we have celebrated Samhain and the Winter Solstice. We now turn our attention to the upcoming holiday of Imbolc where we truly feel the presence of light returning. Much like a single candle flame brightens a room.

Here is a look back at the articles and rituals of this year. I hope you enjoy this curated list of your favorites or maybe one you missed.

First, we begin with the most current and hot off the presses:


A Winter Solstice Celebration:


How I Celebrated Samhain. How did you?


Learning not to panic in a Mercury Retrograde and some Ghost Hunting



The Autumn Equinox. Is it just me or does that seem ages ago?



This is probably my most popular post. How to bridge the holidays of Samhain to Solstice.


Well, that is a wrap. Thank you, each of you, for being here with me in A Year of Ritual. I am most grateful for your company.

If you know a friend who enjoys a little magic in their life feel free to share; ideas, posts, or this newsletter.

Until next time. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.




MaryRose Denton
A Year of Ritual

Writer/Speaker/Advocate, Come join me as I make a life by doing something with total love & pure soul. maryrosedentonwriter.com or maryrosedenton8@gmail.com.