Taking Over the Horizon

As University continues to grow the faculty and students need to grow with it. University of Wisconsin Green Bay knows that it is a Division one school, but wants to go from being middle level to the top tier of D1. To do this the school needs a great Athletic Director to lead the charge. Charles Guthrie was the man chosen for the job earlier this fall. Charles Guthrie had a long journey to get where he is today but it was something he always wanted to do. This is his 3rd Athletic Director role which means he comes with experience when it comes to directing the athletics of a school.

Newly appointed Director of Athletics, Charles Guthrie (Photo Courtesy of @gbphoenix on Twitter)

To have Green Bay Phoenix keep growing it is very important that the new Athletic Director has goals in mind, and the ability to reach them. One of the biggest things Charles makes very clear is that you are a student first then athlete. He wants the students to continue that academic success that the program has had in the past. He compares it to many other high academic schools such as Stanford that do well in sports and school. Goals that he wants for more of the athletes is that all sports are to be treated equally. At Green Bay, the basketball team is the most noticed sport but Charles wants to bring attention to other sports like nordic skiing and cross country. This is important to make sure no team feels that they are being left out because it can hurt the performance of the teams. One of the final goals that the new AD has is to improve facilities around the school. This has already started with a brand new soccer field that is going up right now. Having better facilities will make it possible for Green Bay Phoenix to host bigger sporting events that are usually held in other areas.

One of the most important things for a sports program is the fan base it brings. A sports team is nothing without the fans. Imagine watching a football game with no roar of the crowd behind you. It gives you that extra drive. This is why the AD wants to focus on home games and meets. He wants to change the lack of support some of the teams get and make it better for all sports. By getting more support it will be more attractive for new athletes to come and play at UWGB. Another important thing that the AD wants to continue to improve is the technology that goes behind the sports. By having a UWGB ticker at the bottom of ESPN is just one of the small things they can do to be more noticed. Bringing the athletes alive on screen is another change that will make more of a connection to the fans.

Charles Guthrie doesn’t see to many challenges when it come to reaching these goals. Like most goals Green Bay’s athletic department and athletes need to write their own story and stick with it. Have goals that are reachable and continue to go up from that. The Green Bay Phoenix has a program that has always shown growth and will continue to do that until they take over the Horizon league with Charles leading the way.

