Better get a bigger mug

February (alternative) drinking update

Ed B
Clean for Cancer
2 min readFeb 17, 2019


Ahh tea. One of many things the great nation of Britain was founded on. Also as it so happens, it’s something that you drink a lot of when you’re off the sauce. And when you’re drinking that much of it you need a big mug. Because let’s face it, otherwise you’re just wasting good bag.

So the 6 week mark has come and gone and I’m well into the second month of the year on this no booze trick. It’s been actually way easier than I thought it would be and has given me an increased ability to focus on work, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever been this productive before. I’ve also taken to drinking a non alcoholic beer or two when I’ve been out at the bar, which are surprisingly decent. The Germans seem to go nuts for them. I’ve recently discovered that they’re the second largest consumers of non-alcoholic beer in the world (and love some with their sport).

So together with tea and booze-free beer, I’ve been getting out there and enjoying the world and most importantly, realizing that no drinking doesn’t immediately convert me into being old and boring. It might slowly convert me but we’ll have to see how that plays out the rest of the year.

Stay tuned for the part II post on diet science coming soon. And sling a few dollars to The Kids Cancer Project to celebrate making it to the end of this post. Well done you.



Ed B
Clean for Cancer

Berlin based. Running language meetups and raising awareness and money for cancer in young people in 2019.