Ediale Kingsley
A-Z Of Charismatic Comedy
1 min readAug 25, 2016


“It is the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn, and cross it deliberately” — George Carlin

Ali Baba (looking back, he’s come a long way eh?)

Simply put, a comedian is an entertainer who makes people laugh by cracking jokes. Jokes provoke laughter, or at least smiles.

The oldest forms of comedy are play and poetry. Although we cannot ascertain the first comedian that ever lived, but we can safely represent the old order of comedy by a comic poet called Aristophanes of Athens. His dates of birth and death can only be inferred from his works, the former being estimated at 456B.C and the latter at 380. He was also a famous playwright of comedy.

Either from Aristophanes of Athens or the Ali Babas of Nigeria, you enjoy one or all of the following: 1. stress relief. 2. fun promotion. 3. entertainment. 4. social spices. 5. health boost. What else can anybody ask for?

You should begin to have the creeps now if all these are actually your scene.

Right? yep!



Ediale Kingsley
A-Z Of Charismatic Comedy

Writer, journalist, filmmaker, publicist, publisher & founder of One Room Reality, Creator Ediale Films, InstaLetters, University Of Do and Sabistation.