Ediale Kingsley
A-Z Of Charismatic Comedy
2 min readAug 25, 2016


“The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease.”- Voltaire.

Your guys? Yeah!

You are going to see the difference between a comedian that has charisma and one that lacks it. And if you want to hit it big as a joker, do your damnedest to get charisma. I told you earlier that a comedian is one who makes comedies. Comedies are produced to make people laugh. And laughter keeps people healthy, and jazzes up their feelings. But a charismatic comedian is one with zing. His personal magnetism draws people around him. He enthralls them as they listen, read, and watch any of his laughter-provoking works of art.

Cut to chase, a charismatic comedian is a life changer whose good jokes smack of moral sanity. A lot of comedians are springing up nowadays. This is natural because the industry remains unregulated. Here are some things that are, however, missing in the business:

1. Proper standards: professionally accepted way of operations.

2. Proper branding and packaging: organized success systems and structures.

3. Charisma: magnetic power that positively creates value. A charismatic comedian should be a complete professional; he should give his trade a business face. He should be able to make impact that lasts long. Any clown can tickle you — just for kicks.

But a comedian that wants to earn his crust cracking ribs should make jokes that stimulate a sequential demand for his services or products.

Now let me go further to state what a comedian has been erroneously believed to be…



Ediale Kingsley
A-Z Of Charismatic Comedy

Writer, journalist, filmmaker, publicist, publisher & founder of One Room Reality, Creator Ediale Films, InstaLetters, University Of Do and Sabistation.