Access to Private and Public Rounds on A2DAO

3 min readApr 9, 2021


When A2DAO was tokenized, the ATD token has become the center of our Ecosystem. ATD ownership gives our members the opportunity to participate in all events and programs of the A2DAO.

Holding the ATD allows our members to invest in crypto startups, both at an early private, and public stage.

A2DAO has a Tiers structure for access to Private Rounds of projects and Public IDOs for access to Public Rounds of projects.

Let’s take a look at each of them.

Tiers Structure

Depending on the amount of ATD tokens owned, the holders have access to different levels of Tiers. We have 5 Tiers currently:

◼ Top 10: Top 10 ATD token holders
◼ Top 25: Top 25 ATD token holders
◼ Tier 1: 30,000 ATD required
◼ Tier 2: 10,000 ATD required
◼ Tier 3: 1000 ATD required

Tier membership (except Tier 3) allows getting guaranteed allocations to private rounds of projects. The higher your level, the more privileges you can get, including exclusive project allocations and increased size of allocations.

Tier 3 has the opportunity to participate in deals based on FCFS method and doesn’t have a guaranteed allocation.

Public IDOs

Public IDOs are based on the lottery system and are available to everyone who holds ATD (including Tier members), but do not guarantee allocation.

One lottery ticket is usually pegged to 100 ATD and each lottery participant can get any number of tickets, depending on how many ATD tokens they have.

Lottery participants don’t have a guaranteed allocation in the Public IDOs, but if you have the required amount of ATD tokens (at least 10,000 ATD for Tier 2), welcome to the Tiers with a guaranteed allocation.

In short,

Tier members have a guaranteed allocation to private rounds of projects and can also participate in the Public IDO lotteries as a nice bonus, but don’t have a guaranteed allocation in the Public IDOs.

Lottery participants don’t have a guaranteed allocation in the Public IDOs, but if you have the required amount of ATD tokens (at least 10,000 ATD for Tier 2), welcome to the Tiers with a guaranteed allocation.

You can be both: a Tier Member and Public IDOs lottery participant at the same time.

Please note: projects that A2DAO suggests for our Tier members are not always the same projects that are launched on the IDO Platform. Tier members get access to the private rounds of the projects, and the participants of the lottery — to the public rounds via Public IDO.

For example, Tier members will have access to the private round of Project X and at the same time, there will be an open IDO round for Project Y.

In this case, the Tier members will get a guaranteed allocation for Project X and can participate in the lottery of Project Y at the same time, but these are two completely different projects.

If after reading you still have any questions, please ask them in one of our chats:

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The team and community are always happy to help!

More about A2DAO

A2DAO strives to connect startups with smart capital while helping to cultivate a passionate community for every single project. Our team of experts will assist projects in marketing, development, tokenomics, and other critical areas of growth.

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