Changes in the Structure of A2DAO Tiers

5 min readOct 12, 2021


Dear friends!

Private rounds of investment in crypto projects is a highly competitive and fast-paced area. We constantly monitor the market situation in order to be in trend and provide you with the best product. That is why we want to bring you some changes that we believe will have a positive impact on all members of our community.

Changes in Tiers

Our Tier 1 allocations range from $ 1,500 to $ 5,000 depending on the project. We want to provide Tier participants with such allocation sizes in the future. However, due to the change of ATD price, the cost of staying in Tiers has dropped significantly (our colleagues have a price for Tiers similar to our Tier 1, ranging from $ 50,000 to $ 150,000), and therefore the number of people in Tiers has increased dramatically.

We have a hard time making such changes, but in order to keep decent sizes of allocations for each participant, we consider it necessary to increase the cost of Tiers.

The new structure of Tiers looks like this:

  • Top 10: top 10 ATD holders
  • Tier 1: 30,000 ATD
  • Tier 2: 10000 ATD
  • Tier 3: 1000 ATD

Migration to Binance Smart Chain

Ethereum network fees have tired both you and us. High costs of transactions can often be a reason for refusal of purchase and subsequent staking of the token. Most of all, the owners of small amounts of ATD were affected.

This is why we have completely migrated from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain! From this day on, fully functional staking will be available on BSC.

Please note: Ethereum staking is no longer available! Users who have not expired the staking period on the Ethereum network do not need to do anything, their tokens will be counted for entering the appropriate Tier. If you want to increase your Tier, it will be enough to buy and stake the missing amount of tokens in the BSC network.

You can easily transfer your ATDs from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain using our bridge.

Users providing liquidity to the Ethereum network will also be able to participate in the liquidity provider reward program prior to the expiration of their stakes.

If you have ATD tokens staked on the Ethereum network but want to provide liquidity to BSC, you need to contact one of our group administrators for further instructions.

❗The ATD contract address on BSC is:

Cancellation of Boosts and Staking Periods

After lengthy discussions (including the community members), it was decided to cancel the boost system. From this moment on, when carrying out IDO lotteries, pure ATD tokens are taken into account.

With the cancellation of boosts, there is no need to divide into several staking periods, so we decided to leave 2 options:

  • Unlimited staking: user can unstake at any time and receive all tokens without any penalties
  • 180 days with liquidity provision: users choosing this option will receive the rewards described below

Please note: the new staking contract is prepared in such a way that you will receive your tokens 10 days after unstaking.

New Token Unlock Schedule

As you remember, we started the weekly ATD unlock on July 22nd. The number of unlocked tokens was tied to the price and trading volume of ATD.

In just over 2 months, we unlocked the following number of tokens:

  • Strategic — 55% or 1,100,000. 900,000 left
  • Seed — 45% or 2,250,000. 2,750,000 left
  • Private — 60% or 1,200,000. 800,000 left

In total, 4,550,000 of the 9,000,000 tokens were distributed, which means there are 4,450,000 left.

For your convenience, we decided to distribute tokens monthly, setting a clear schedule for unlocking the remaining tokens:

  • November 1–890,000 ATD
  • December 1–890,000 ATD
  • January 1–890,000 ATD
  • February 1–890,000 ATD
  • March 1–890,000 ATD

Therefore all ATD will be unlocked in March 2022. With this token unlock schedule, you will be able to build your strategy for buying or selling ATD.

First Batch Rule

We also remind you of the rule of the first batch: in order to receive the first batch of tokens of your private investment, you need to stake the amount of ATD that was necessary to have in the wallet to make an investment in the corresponding Tier. Tokens must be staked 10 days before receiving the batch.


  1. You have 3000 ATD and is in Tier 2 (2500 ATD min)
  2. Invest in Project X announced in this Tier
  3. After that, you sell all ATD tokens and leave Tier 2
  4. Project X announces TGE date: November 15

In order to receive the first batch on the TGE day, you will need to stake 2500 ATD (or more) no later than November 5th.

If ATDs are staked on November 14, your funds won’t be lost, but the first batch will be received on November 24 (after 10 days from the moment of staking).

Please note: tokens that will not be claimed after 30 days from the distribution date will be sold at the market price. All funds received will be added to the liquidity providers’ reward pool.

This rule applies to all investments in private deals after June 01, 2021.

New Private Deals Fee Structure

Up to this point, the fees for participation in private deals were 8–12% and were spent on organizational costs completely. We decided to set a fixed fee for participation in all private deals equal to 15%. Fees charged will be distributed as follows:

  • 5% — buyout of ATD from the market
  • 5% — organizational expenses
  • 5% is charged in project tokens. USDT from sales of tokens on the market will be distributed among users (in proportion to the amount of ATD on wallets), who added liquidity and staked for 180 days


  • Project X raised 100,000 USDT.
  • 5000 USDT will go to buy ATD from the market.
  • 5000 USDT will be spent on organizational expenses.
  • 5% received as a result of the sale of project tokens will be distributed among liquidity providers.

Fees from deals in all Tiers will be distributed among all users, as described in the example above.

ATD buyout from the market will be made on the first day of each month, thus, we will redeem a part of unlocked tokens.

During the period from August to September, we have closed more than 20 deals for the amount of about $ 4,500,000. We plan to maintain the same pace in the future.

This measure motivates us to even more carefully select projects and provide the highest quality deals to the community!

Loyalty Bonuses

Our team is grateful for the trust and loyalty showed by users who have frozen liquidity for a year. We have prepared a reward for you in the form of tokens of partner or incubated projects.

We also understand those who bought large volumes of ATD at prices much higher than the current ones, and we have a special offer for you as well.

More details about these offers will be announced later.

The cryptocurrency market forces us to adjust and respond to new conditions, therefore, changes in the structure and cost of Tiers are possible in the future. Hope for your understanding!



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Opportunities multiply as they are seized.