How to Trade ATD on Uniswap

4 min readMar 22, 2021


1. Go to Uniswap Link:

2. Connect the Wallet

Click the button Connect to a Wallet and connect supported wallet (we recommend Metamask)

3. Add the ATD token to Uniswap panel

Simple way (Recommend)

Just click this link:

Then mark checkbox “I understand” and click “Import”.

Advanced way

1️⃣ ATD official contract address is: 0x8052327f1baf94a9dc8b26b9100f211ee3774f54
Copy it!

2️⃣ On the Uniswap Panel click the button “select token”, and paste the copied contract address in a new window.

3️⃣ After that you will see dropdown menu with the ATD name: click on it!
Now you have selected the ATD token.

4. Buy or Sell

In Uniswap terminology buy or sell called a common word = Swap.
We swap one token to another. Decide what you want to do to: buy or sell.
Think twice.

5. Slippage tolerance settings

We cannot use limit orders on Uniswap, we can only agree with the current price or wait for it to change. Sometimes, the price change happens very quickly, and for control this, you must use slippage tolerance settings.
For example the current price is $ 100 and you want to buy.
If you set a limit for slippage at 5%, this means that you will buy tokens in the range of $100–105, but not higher. If you set a limit for slippage at 10%, this means that you will buy tokens in the range of $100–110 but not higher.
The same conditions work if you want to sell.
In the next picture you will see how to set slippage tolerance.
1. Click the tuning wheel
2. Set the slippage tolerance limit using numbers
3. After that click anywhere and the setup menu will disappear
4. Check the settings

6. Swap

When you have chosen what you want (buy or sell) you need to select the second coin to make SWAP.
Usually it’s ETH or USDT.
Click on the second counterparty token in the panel and select ETH or USDT.
You can do the same way, as in point three of our guide, with the difference that the name ETH and USDT you can select by entering them in letters.

After you have selected the second token, set the quantity you want, and click “Swap”. When you set the quantity, you will see the amount of token received, and the amount of token that you spend.

7. Send transaction

After you click “Swap”, your wallet will automatically connect and you will need to send a transaction.
Set Gas Price and Gas Limit, and click “Confirm”.
What is Gas Price and Gas Limit? This is the fee, for using ETH network.
If you want to send the transaction as quickly as possible,
use higher values of Gas Price.
But be careful! Always check the exact cost of the commission you will pay! You can check the current requirements here:

If after reading you still have any questions, please ask them in one of our chats:

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