2 days to go…

We’re driving to the starting line: San Jose to Costa Mesa, California

A21 Across America
A21 Across America
2 min readJul 2, 2014


After six months of intense training, focus, determination and discipline, I find myself on Day 183 of 185 to my 3,000-mile bicycle ride for freedom—all the way across the United States of America.

My 3,000 mile bicycle ride across the United States of America

The realness of this impending journey hasn’t yet sunk in. And as though every moment of the past 183 days of 2014 were compiled into a single film reel, the entire journey up to this point continues to flash before my mind’s eye.

I see my humble beginnings—January 1st, 2014, I was bicycling up Mt. Hamilton. That New Year’s day, I woke up early while everyone slept in after the previous evening’s celebrations.

I rode hard that morning, determined to set a new personal record for my 26 mile ride from my house in San Jose, California, to the Lick Observatory at the top of Mt. Hamilton.

And from the “get go” of 2014, I had some really audacious bicycling goals:

(1) I was determined to ride the Grand Tour Quadruple Century (400-miles) in the allotted 24 hour time limit, and

(2) I was bracing myself for my first Furnance Creek 508 race (508-miles within 48 hours).

Little did I know, these were not big goals — ha!

183 days ago, I thought I was going to be bicycling 500 miles within 48 hours.

But now, in just 2 days time, I will be bicycling 3,000 miles in 21 days. Talk about a change of plans!

And I won’t be alone.

Team A21 Across America

What extent will you go?

In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps
–Proverbs 16:9

