ICOs: which one can I trust?

A2B Taxi
A2B Taxi Token


FinTech is one of the biggest business phenomena in recent years. The improvement of technologies and their appliance to financial sector allowed to create a lot of innovative products or to generate and to develop some interesting ideas. One of them is ICO (Initial Coin Offering), a method of crowdfunding, originated from Blockchain technology. In short, ICO is a non-regulated method to attract funding for a particular project or business. Everyone can participate and invest in digital tokens. ICO does not require the establishment of a company or the existence of legal base — all you need to do is to communicate the idea and to create the website along with the wallet of cryptocurrency.

The easy organization of ICOs encouraged many scams in this field. These entrepreneurs give many promises, collect the funding from investors and never deliver. Is it possible to avoid it? In some sense — yes. The communication and representation of the team may reveal more than you expect from the first sight…

First of all, the team of the ICO should be able to explain the conception of their product easily. Customers (in this case — potential investors) want to receive the simplified, but also accurate information. Also, it is very important to answer all further questions in an appropriate and polite manner. This is the only way to build the confidence of investors.

What is more, the reliability of the team should not be underrated. It is crucial to precisely analyze the background of each person, contributing to the management of the ICO. The easiest way is to Google it, as past news and profiles in social networks can be easily spotted then. For example, LinkedIn is a perfect helper regarding the career progress and the feedback of former colleagues. Such small details can help in deciding whether you would like to have particular business arrangements with these people or not.

Last, but not the least, it is useful to evaluate the prospects of the product. You should be quite careful while choosing the area of investment during the ICO. Research a lot about the area and the developments. If you are not sure — do not hesitate to ask a person who is more experienced and, of course, reliable.

Interested in the participation in ICOs? Lithuanian-based taxi company A2B TAXI announced the ICO of A2B TAXI Tokens. Why do we recommend this one? It perfectly fits all three areas we covered previously.

To begin with, A2B TAXI is a Lithuanian taxi company, successfully operating for a few years and being a serious competitor in the capital Vilnius. This year, these people decided to modernize the taxi industry and to achieve it through the use of the hottest technological trend, Blockchain. Tired of non-professional services of private drivers, but don’t want to give up the convenience of apps? Also interested in investments? A2B TAXI is exactly the thing what you are looking for.

The team of A2B TAXI includes many professionals of business, technology, and marketing who spend years in the industry. It means that differently from many start-ups, established by ambitious, but non-experienced people, this company will deliver appropriate results due to the knowledge of perfect customer service and potential risks. Considering the infamous background of some ICOs and having the reputation as a responsible business, the team of A2B TAXI will conduct anti-fraud procedures and KYC during the token sale. Furthermore, the tokens issued by A2B TAXI are well-applicable in real life — you can use them while commuting by innovative taxi service in the biggest cities in Europe or sell them and profit, as these tokens will be heavily used in day-to-day transactions and their worth is expected to rise steadily.

Sounds great? Absolutely. For more information, visit https://a2btaxi.io/.

