5 E-Commerce Misconceptions & The Reality Behind Them !

Khemchand Joshi
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2016

As we are living in the digital age, adoption of more tech-savvy practices to carry out regular processes is no more a new thing to see! Same is the case when it comes to online shopping! Surveys reveal that more than 85% of world’s population is shopping online and this calls for many more billions of digital shoppers worldwide in the coming future.

For individual customers across the globe, the most preferred and familiar form of e-commerce is into the B2C genre, also known as online shopping or online retail. But, even with this vast pool of potential customers, there are several small and medium business owners who like to remain resistant to adopting e-commerce channels and solutions. Even though if some did adopt it, there are thousands whose sites are almost an afterthought. It’s true that incorporating e-commerce software like a booking system takes some time to get on the floor; but it’s overwhelmingly worth in the long run.

Following are some of the misconceptions that plague business owners from investing in this platform.

Misconception #1

“I’m satisfied with my offline sales.”

Reality: Having enough offline sales may not stay the same always. New companies offer new solutions to the customers in a much competitive manner. E-commerce is one such emerging and evolving platform which even customers are adopting gracefully. Thus, having an online presence is becoming the norm in today’s world. It will let you know your customer base through a database of potential prospects and analytics on the sales pattern.

Misconception #2

“I don’t have any customers who like to buy products online.”

Reality: Since 2010, the number of online shoppers has almost doubled and there’s definitely no stop to this growth. Even if you have customers who prefer doing business in-person, providing an online platform will definitely help you in efficiently handling changing customer needs and building more audience.

Misconception #3

“I can’t invest my time in setting up and managing eCommerce.”

Reality: E-Commerce is emerging rapidly with new tools and functionalities coming up every now and then, making it easier to manage. Accepting and managing online orders has never been so easy like it is at present. So give this misconception a wayside and go online without any hassles.

Misconception #4

“I really can’t afford it right now.”

Reality: Creating an eCommerce site is actually an investment worth making, which is definitely going to follow with tremendous returns in negligible time span. Businesses need ongoing evolution and growth in order to stay successful and ahead of the curve and having a strong online presence will give you the perfect platform to do so. You definitely can’t afford to miss such an opportunity.

Misconception #5

“Even if I opt for going online, I can make use of a free design. Design actually doesn’t matter.”

Reality: Studies suggest that customers make their purchasing decisions within the first few minutes of their visit to a particular site; and the decision mostly depends on the site’s design, layout and security. So, ignoring the need of an appealing design can lead to repelling a wave of customers away from your site.

Are you also hiding behind any of these excuses? If so, then it’s time to clear your misconceptions and realize the true value of going online. These misconceptions are really costing you a lot of money. A3logics E-Commerce Development experts help you build a robust and scalable eCommerce solution for your particular need, delivering the best user experience right from the front-end using the latest interface technologies, to the back-end architecture. It will help you reach more audience making a vast online global presence.

So, clear your doubts and don’t let these misconceptions hurt your bottom line.



Khemchand Joshi

An IT professional in A3logics with 10+ years of experience in EDI Implementation , Software Development, Offshore Development, Project Management etc.