Contract Staffing On an All-time High !!

Punit Sharma
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2014


As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a surprising increase in the number of temporary employees accounting for 70.6% of newly generated jobs in the United States. This is the highest number till date. This, however, does not imply that permanent staffing has taken a back seat, but companies, in order to stay competitive are leaning towards a just-in-time approach for acquiring resources to get the short-term job done!

Any organization that is not looking to expand its workforce, but require additional workers to grab growth opportunities and enhance productivity, needs contract hiring that can help it achieve short term goals and stay ahead of peers without indulging in full-fledged hiring.

You can get highly skilled and qualified consultants to get the high-on-priority tasks done when your main goal is to avoid downtime due to resource deficiency and enhance productivity as per the need! Indeed, these workers can help you with their new and innovative approach towards problem-solving and letting you make decisions with changed perspectives. The diverse backgrounds which they hail from can bring in a mixed approach and experience towards executing critical tasks that can help your company achieve set milestones.

The basic motive of availing the option of contract hire is just to fill in immediate manpower requirements using a convenient hiring process. Every kind of resource fits a basic role in an organization, be it a permanent full-time employee or a contract hire, it just depends on the need of the hour! Sometimes, the business house is not able to take out much time to look out for hiring a permanent employee, also the requirement is for short-term and employers are not sure if they can afford that resource for longer. Here, the most preferable solution comes out to be a contract staffing option.

For getting the expert consultant for your business, you need such a staffing company that is well-versed with the hiring technique and knows how to spot the brightest talent from the talent pool. It should be capable of precisely understanding your requirement in accordance with your company goals and objectives (i.e. whether a contract hire will be suitable or a permanent full-time employee, required skills, experience, etc.) and bring you the candidates that best fit in those positions and help you achieve your targets.



Punit Sharma

He has 10+ years of professional experience in HealthCare Domain with expertise in benefit plans, enrollments and industry-specific EDI operations.