Effective Mobile App Testing is The Key for Your Mobile App Success!

Nitesh Gupta
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2017


In today’s ever-growing digital world, majority of businesses have joined the bandwagon of running operations with a mobile app or mobile-friendly website. In fact, there are certain business organization that entirely sustain on their mobile apps. According to studies, users will have downloaded about 270 billion applications by the end of 2017. Therefore, increasing expansion of mobile websites and continuously deploying applications has invigorated scope for mobile test automation.

Mobile App Testing has become the most critical aspect of complete application development process so that the errors and defects are detected and fixed before the app is rolled-out.

What Challenges Mobile App Testers Face?

  1. Operating Systems Fragmentation:

With increasing number of operating system launches, it is complicated to understand and test all possible permutations and combinations in order to provide seamless app functioning.

2. Network Fragmentation:

A dozens of network carriers are ruling the connection world. While using network emulators, it is not possible for testers to test the mobile application on real network.

3. Mobile Device Variations:

Huge number of mobile devices from handsets to iPads and wearables provide huge diversity for mobile app testing. In this scenario, testing team cannot assure if an app perfectly compatible with one device will be 100% compatible with some other mobile device as well.

Are you thinking how to strategize your mobile app testing? Here are few factors you should consider:

#Select Suitable Devices:

In a device testing approach, it is mandatory to select the right weapon for testing. Selection of testing devices largely depends upon the target group and usage patterns. In addition, analyze the market and choose the most widely used devices matching your testing environment and testing needs. Other factors like memory size and connectivity options should also be considered before picking out a device model.

#Test with Real Devices:

In the pursuit of perfection, it is necessary to test the mobile application completely. Real devices provide the efficiency to test the application with very real conditions under less than optimal network context. Thus, testing with real devices provide real insights on app functioning while delivering better user experience.

#Do not Forget Cloud Based Testing:

Cloud Computing creates web based mobile environment on a simulator where applications can be deployed, tested and managed. Leveraging cloud computing for testing enables businesses to bring down the testing costs and creating infinite potential testing scenarios to deal with.

#Automation or Manual:

To get the best results, both manual and automation testing approach is required. But to select when to automation testing and when to go for manual testing depends upon following:

  1. Select manual testing for testing application with new functionality.

2. If you require doing repetitive testing, pick automated testing.

3. For time consuming and complex scenarios, perform automated testing.

4. Automated testing is best approach for regression test cases.

#Validate the Network Configuration:

Network configuration greatly affects mobile applications as huge number of mobile applications depend upon network connectivity. Testing the mobile application for varying networks is essential to get the real picture of application behavior across different networks.

Summarizing It Up:

Current business environment largely depends on the performance of Mobile Applications and user experience. Thus, to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in the global market, it is very important for businesses to have a defect-free application. The above article highlights the major concerns with mobile app testing and how these concerns can be addressed by following the right testing approach.



Nitesh Gupta

ISTQB & HP QTP/QC Certified Quality Assurance & Testing specialist with expertise in varied domains @a3logics.