How Big Data Technology Can Help Businesses Improving Customer Experience?

Punit Sharma
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017

With moving into the new digital ground, businesses are on a constant quest for a solution that can vault their businesses into the realm of customer experience (CX). Customers have made their buying experience the parameter for deciding on purchases and the key to creating the successful customer experience is-ability to use the previous data to better gauge the customer.

Big Data: Reinventing your Customer Experience Strategy

With continuously growing data, companies abound with fewer resources, limited budgets and older technology can’t make the grade for meeting the customer expectations. Businesses require analytics tools that can process data sources and metrics quickly and then help them respond proactively with relevant and contextual information.

Big data has come to the rescue of businesses helping them maximizing the customer experience. Big data technology tracks the customer data to identify the potential customers and highly demanded products thus giving businesses necessary insights to improve user experience.

Here are some ways about how big data can improve customer experience:

#Help you Identify Target Audience

In today’s ultra-competitive world, randomly targeting a wide audience is not going to help any more. Big data technology can be used to analyze customer behavior and better understand the people who are more likely to purchase the product. It stores customer demographics, sources of influence, motivators, salary, etc. and then provide insights based upon this curated information.

#Get to Know Customer Behavior

Big data technology uses historical data as a roadmap to predict customer behavior. It analyzes lagging indicators and then draws leading indicators through a series of benchmarks and metrics. Data stored in real-time gives you a better understanding of anticipating customer needs and knowing their preferences.

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#Personalized Communication

Personalization is the key to delivering a unique customer experience and staying afloat in the global market. Big data technology stores customer data in a centralized platform and induce necessary insights based upon this intel. Thus, businesses have enough data to understand their customers at a personal level and predicting their needs.

Rounding It Off:

The better experience customer gets from your services, the better will be your business growth. Big data technology can analyze, collect and understand data to learn customer behavior and then providing necessary insights. Thus, big data can help you strategize your customer experience thereby making a huge leap in terms of profit.



Punit Sharma

He has 10+ years of professional experience in HealthCare Domain with expertise in benefit plans, enrollments and industry-specific EDI operations.