How Salesforce Can Help You Create Great Customer Experience?

Gajendra Singh
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2017


It is no surprise that companies who successfully administer a customer experience strategy attain reduced customer churn rates, greater customer satisfaction and increased revenue. Various studies have also revealed that customer experience directly impacts the willingness of a customer to be a loyal advocate to the serving business. Thriving businesses that navigate through the landscape of customer needs’ and raise the bar to meet those needs beyond expectations, earn great customer loyalty, market reputation and enhanced revenue.

With continuous evolution in technology, customer preferences and behavior are changing. Salesforce CRM tracks position and interaction of every lead in sales funnel and provide valuable data to make the customer experience an extraordinary one. Salesforce collaboration tools offers enhanced methodology that help in providing comprehensive view of potential customers.

How Salesforce helps create better Customer Service Strategy:

1.Salesforce CRM Integration with Your Customer Service Platform:

Customer service is emerging as new marketing tactic and more effective way to retain loyal customers.

A research showed more than half of the consumers switch providers due to poor customer service. Integrating Salesforce CRM with customer service platform allows customer service teams to have an access to all customer data that helps them keep track of customer issues and handling these issues more efficiently.

2. Leverage Previous Customer Interaction Data and Personalize:

Using Salesforce enables you to collect a complete overview of customer data, their buying behavior, activity, etc. Thus, leveraging this data to send personalized emails and offerings to customers will help you create an influential customer experience making them resonate with you. Thus, Salesforce CRM can help you to take control of your customer relationships.

3. Create Data Repository:

Salesforce CRM supports in streamlining the principal points of customer communication and allows you to escape from all manual data transferring. Salesforce creates a transparency data funnel through which your customer service and sales team can have a 360-degree view of every customer activity.

4. Review Customer Interaction Reports Periodically:

Track down the customer interactions in Salesforce by searching the data fields and extend appealing offers to the customers based upon their previous interactions. Salesforce allows you to run automatic weekly report to pay attention to the valued customers and establish continued communication with them.

Also Read: How Salesforce Can Help You Building Better Customer Relationships

5. Re-engage with Dormant Subscribers:

It was found in a research that inactive subscribers are more likely to make a purchase than non-subscribers. Try to engage your inactive subscribers by sending personalized emails. Salesforce enterprise account allows you to send emails in bulk. Integrating it with some email marketing tool, you can easily send engagement emails to greater number of customers.

Bringing It All Together:

Customer experience is an area that requires continual nourishment and only a well-designed customer relationship management strategy can help you achieve higher customer satisfaction. Savvy marketers use Salesforce CRM to harness the power of data and create personalized customer experience. Companies need to truly focus on personalized communication and listen to their customers. Having Salesforce CRM platform for your business can boost sales, productivity and enhance customer satisfaction bringing new value to the business.

