Exposure to the Blockchain? Yes, but HOW MUCH?

Kenny Hearn
AAAX — Asymmetry Asset Array Index
2 min readJan 22, 2018

We get this question a lot from our clients. Like most things in life it depends on the individual. However, here we provide some guidelines.

Whether governments or institutions like it or not, the Blockchain technology revolution is here to stay. That much we are certain of and we love disruption (here is a great read: Anti-fragile). Smart contracts and the applications using this technology will shape a new future in how we interact with one another and the physical reality around us. Smart contracts coupled with smart hardware will enable the “Internet of Things” to really integrate into improving lives on the planet.

Back to the point — How much?

To me it really depends on how much longer you think you have left on the planet and what level of certainty you need in your life. These two aspects are the barometer one should use on the age group scale we provide below.

The more time you think you have left on the planet, the greater the benefit and value one will be able to derive from using the Blockchain, over and above the financial returns (side note: Remember value will be generated out of interacting with the system not necessarily out of ownership as it has been in the past).

Secondly, the more certainty you as an individual needs in your life will determine what level of exposure you can palate. Trust me, things are going to be volatile!

Individual Blockchain Portfolio Exposure:

Under 30 years: 10–25%

30–40 years: 5–20%

40+ years: 2–5%

No matter what age you are — look for all the many ways to start generating side income streams from the Blockchain ecosystem. It is designed to reward those who interact with it! Use it or lose it. But, watch out for the scammers, they are out there guys — a simple Google search should do the trick. More on this to come!

Pura Vida!

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Kenny Hearn
AAAX — Asymmetry Asset Array Index

SwissOne Capital Fund Manager / Head of Research — Founder of Asymmetry Asset Management and the Asymmetry Asset Array Index (AAAX) — ICONOMI