There is no hard and fast rule for preparing for competitive exams. There are just some breakthroughs which we should take care.

Do not start just like that and instead thoroughly go through the SSC CGL Online Exam 2018.

and the exam pattern both. Usually, candidates buy previous year question papers at the end, however, we would recommend you to first study through these papers and then from your study material. This will let you focus on the kind of questions being asked rather than just covering up the whole. This will take up a lot of time.

SSC Syllabus for Tier I
SSC Syllabus for Tier II
SSC Syllabus for Tier III

Practice with mock tests as much as you can. This will make you capable of managing time at during the exam. Also, it will help in panic situations most of the candidates face at the end moment.

Be focused on your study material rather than peeking other competitors or online material. For instance, just pick out one topic and give yourself 15 minutes to research online or finding books in a library, you will find an ocean of facts and figures. In reality, you have to study a pond. That’s it! Do the smart work.

Focusing on your strengths is good so that you are more confident while finding answers but ignoring the other parts is not a good idea. Try to evenly spread your time to all the topics. Nothing is difficult or we would say impossible. If needed, you can have online classes for that particular subject or topic and get enrolled in weekend classes to clear your doubts.

Do not completely rely on the tricks and short ways to find solutions. You will end up confused. Be confident in what you know already and just have to build up time management skills.

Make notes if every single topic, so at the time of revision you have everything handy.

These tips are great to crack CGL exam at the first attempt. Prepare your plan of action and start from the day one.

