Why you need someone who believes in you? — 2

Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2019
Arjuna, with Krishna (as charioteer), in middle of both the armies at Kurukshetra

5000 years ago, Arjuna, one of the most formidable warriors of his time, who could single-handedly defeated many great warriors of his time, was about to fight the most important battle of his life. Before the battle began, he desired to see those who desired to fight against him. On the opponent side, he saw his relatives, family members and many of his friends. Seeing this, he became overwhelmed with distress and depression. Soon, he gave up his desire to fight, even though the other side was unrighteous and full of wicked personalities. Seeing the situation, Krishna empowered him with the divine song known to the world as Srimad Bhagavad-gita. Because of this powerful and uplifting guidance, Arjuna again picked up his weapons to fight again for righteousness. He fought valiantly and won the battle of Kurukshetra.

The previous article talked about why we need someone who believes in us and the importance of encouragement. Often people think, “Do highly influential and highly effective people also need encouragement? Do they also breakdown?” The answer is, “Yes!”. Life is so powerful that it can pull down anyone on their knees by presenting more and more difficult challenges and pains. Being a human, everyone has a threshold and thus, everyone can breakdown. When self-doubt, negative results, challenges and pain try to pull us down, those who are strong, they accept the situation and seek higher help. The help of those who believe in them. Of those, who can show them the path. Of those, who can uplift them.

“It takes guts and humility to admit mistakes. Admitting we’re wrong is courage, not weakness.” — Roy T. Bennett

A person who has courage can ask for help, can ask for guidance. A weak personality denies external help and succumbs to the challenge and accepts defeat. But a strong person tries to bring out the best within himself. He works on constant improvement and uplifting the self with external help.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” — Albert Einstein

Why we need external help? The above quote by Einstein explains that very brilliantly. We are attached to the situation we are in and we see it from a particular perspective. But others are detached from our situation. They can visualize things from a different perspective and gift us with a completely new perspective.

Arjuna also became a victim of the challenges put forth by life before him. To establish righteousness in society, there was no option for him but to kill the miscreants who were his own relatives. In such a situation, when life presented the biggest challenge he could ever face, he took shelter and guidance of Krishna. Krishna believed in Arjuna and thus, brought out the best in him. Krishna didn’t tell, “I knew it, I knew that you are good for nothing.” No! Krishna empowered him with the most sublime, the most powerful, insightful and empowering wisdom ever known to humanity. He uplifted him sensually, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

So, find someone who believes in you. Be strong, accept the situation, seek guidance and bounce back. Empower yourself with the timeless wisdom of Srimad Bhagavad-gita, which can eternally empower you with its divine teachings.

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My personal suggestion: Please read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for deeper insights.



Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal

On a mission to help people break their dis-empowering patterns and motivate them from within.