I’m Flying

Mohamed Aamir Maniar
Aamir Maniar
Published in
1 min readMar 22, 2019
Photo By Stephen Leonardi — https://unsplash.com/photos/wPlzrculha8

I’m flying. No this is not a dream, neither I’m in the state of any intoxication. Hey, what just happened? Why am I suddenly feeling so leaden? Why am I struggling to manage the current altitude? Wow, what a breeze, I’m feeling amazing again! Light and over the world! Hope, this will never end!



Mohamed Aamir Maniar
Aamir Maniar

Aamir, as he prefers to be called, is a Founder & CEO of ManiarTech, Tallery Gallery. He loves technology, food, tea, flute, fitness & mobile photography