How Excellent Web Design truly matters to Your Business

Aarav Info Solutions -AIS
aarav info solutions ais
5 min readOct 9, 2017

It is very important for an entrepreneur or businessman to execute and grow the business by having the specific plan. As we all know that in today’s time,it is very crucial to know about the online market which helps the business to grow in a way where socializing and having a website of a business has become a vital part to ensure that the business flourishes worldwide.

The businesses now are different as compared to the earlier times. In ancient times, one needed to invest, have a plan and execute. If the business could grow then it was all because of experimenting and showing the people about what it was all about by traveling from place to place and explaining it to everyone. Efforts and challenging work had to be 100 percent to gain the trust and affection of the people.

While in today’s time, if you want to set up a business, then it is very important you have a knowledge about the online world. Because right from transactions, to selling or investing, most of the things are done online. And to grow your business, the online platform is best where you need to build up your own website so that you have visitors and accordingly you can show them plans without even going to place to place or explaining in sync. All you need to is have your profile and details of your business so that investors are able to see and invest and people are able to visit it without any problem.

Why web design matters to your business?

It’s very crucial to attract the people who will invest in your business or want to get benefit from your business. As we all know that online platform plays a crucial role, therefore it becomes vital to have an awesome and professional website design, which will get more people to come and see the business.

Having a domain name, website or content should be on point but with this web design also plays a vital part because if the design is not up to the mark then there are chances that your online business can get affected. Website design should be on point so that people are easily impressed which in turn will favour your business and then boost your business to the next level.

Web design serves a website the way roots serve a plant. In simpler terms, Website design is the root of a website where you need to have an epic design. Like if you don’t water the root of a plant then the plant dies. In the same way, if your web design is not nice then there are chances that your business won’t do well.

Simply said — if you want to attract more customers to your website, you’ll need solid web page design to do so. This foundation helps establish your website on the Internet, it delivers visitors to the pages where they want to go, and ultimately it is the way your website will achieve overall success through increased sales, visibility and growth.

Design Great User Experiences

User Experience Design (UX) and User Interface Design (UI) are an important part of professional website design. UX and UI are used together that targets the customers and investors. UI can be thought of like graphic design, while UX has more to do with designing the optimal path(s) a user will take to navigate through your site.

Though UX and UI are not the same things, they are similar in nature. These are the tools that you’ll need to build a beautiful, high functioning and easily navigable website — a site that will attract customers in your target market and keep them wanting more.

To complete the experience and encourage more conversions, UI designers make sure that users can interact properly with the site by designing it in a visually appealing way — a way in which the buttons, links, and other tools stand out and are easy to use — specifically for your target market. UX web designer spends their time focused on things like menu layouts and navigation links, button designs and locations, shopping cart usability, and other tools that website visitors need to appropriately navigate through your website.

Therefore, it is important to use the UX and UI while making your website so that you can get more people to see your business online.

Here are 5 web design tips to get you started.

  1. Tell website visitors exactly what your business is all about — It is very important to have a concise introduction about your business. If you don’t start with what your business is all about then how will people know about it? Therefore, see to it that you mention about what your business does.
  2. Speak your target market’s language– Don’t prefer a complicated language to prove that you have an awesome business. But instead, use a common language that could be understandable by the people so that they can understand your business. Also, you’ll be able to target the audience once you speak your target market’s language.
  3. Get rid of marketing fluff!-Don’t just fill your homepage with marketing stuff and many contents. Instead, use short and simple words or just play with one-liners and phrases and let your homepage breathe!
  4. 4. Use good calls to action– If you want your website and business to grow and reach out to people from all over the world then you need to use good calls to action so that the people will be able to reach you without much hindrance.
  5. 5. Make it mobile-friendly — Make your business website with responsive and custom web design so that it would be easy for the mobile users to access.

How to Make a Stellar First Impression

Your homepage is the main part where the design should be very specific and nice. Homepage appears when you enter the website and it’s the main page where it redirects you to other pages of the website. You need to focus on the homepage first and then the other pages because if your homepage is not up to the mark then there are chances that people won’t go to other pages even if they are interesting.

When someone visits your website and they don’t like what they see, their first move will be to leave. What’s worse, they may tell others about their unpleasant experience with your site, damaging your reputation and lowering your chances of attracting more customers.

Therefore, you just have one chance to get it right and hence you need to design a website very carefully.

Once your web design is up to date then no one can stop you from reaching your target.

Originally published at on October 9, 2017.



Aarav Info Solutions -AIS
aarav info solutions ais

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