How to Create a Killer SEO Friendly Website

Aarav Info Solutions -AIS
aarav info solutions ais
4 min readOct 17, 2017

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the science and art of webpage’s optimization with the goal of being found by search engines like Yahoo, Google, Bing, etc.

It is part science because you will be dealing with the website’s technicalities like codes, information architecture, etc.

An SEO could be also described as a process of making the marketing of goods as efficiently as possible. It plays a fundamental role in the growth of different businesses out there since it promotes their online visibility to the target market.

Website forms the first impression for your business or enterprise when geography is a constraint. Moreover, building websites can benefit greatly especially in terms of lead generation and conversion. Thus, you shall leave no stone unturned once it comes to optimizing your website.Every search engine such as Google or Yahoo shows search results based on a website’s ranking. This ranking could be improved using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a process by which a website gets organic or free traffic where content customization plays a major role. Target keywords are those that a user type’s on a search engine when looking for a product or service.

Even though an existing website can be optimized by introducing target keywords and developing content which is tailored as per business type. It is always better to start from the founding state; thus building an SEO website. Whether you architecting the website on your own based on coding/pre-built templates or hire professionals, make sure you use these SEO guidelines. It shall not only drive traffic to your website but shall also ensure your visibility on search engines.

Here is a list of SEO basics that every website should follow:

  1. Structuring of URL: A URL should contain all relevant keywords thus; indicating at first instance what the page is about. The URL should be crisp and short at the same time. In case of multiple words used, the SEO experts recommend dashes rather than using underscore, which is most accepted by Google.
  2. Content strategies: While developing content, it is very important that all relevant keywords should be embedded and well placed with good keyword density. Google SEO norms recognize the keywords in Title and Meta of the web page thus; content plays an important role for a good SEO score.
  3. Social Media: Though social media is not a part of meeting SEO ranking currently but indirectly you can seek lot of benefits.Due to content sharing on different platforms, your brand gets more mentions and awareness.
  4. Website Design: The website design should be compatible with all platforms i.e. Android and iOS. Making a responsive website should be a priority as it eliminates any chances of content duplicity.
  5. Descriptive Navigation: Most of the SEO companies or SEO agency emphasize on keeping the structure of navigation simple. It becomes easy for the users and also for the search engine. The placement of the main menu is essential and is recommended to be on top of the page. The menu can follow patterns such as drop-down or fly out.
  6. Optimized Images: Images used while designing a website have to be of good quality but should have a minimal size. Heavy images increasing the loading time of a website and contribute to the bad experience. This affects the ranking on a search engine.
  7. Inserting Sitemaps: For efficient indexing by Google, try inserting HTML and XML sitemaps on the website. For those who build a website on Word Press can download the plugins.

Thus, there are much more SEO checkers that can be integrated on the website but lack of adequate knowledge can affect the ranking of a website. It can take more than six months to rank your website on first page of Google. Thus, it is more convenient to outsource it to an SEO marketing company. These companies perform several SEO tests and customize the website accordingly.

AIS is one of the leading search engine optimization company in Ahmedabad. The company has expanded its SEO services in pan India and also globally. Under our full-service search engine optimization, we customize your website using SEO tools and Google ranking SEO analyzer. Though there are many SEO consultants available in the industry.We start the project by understanding our customer’s requirement and thereby offering them a customized solution for SEO optimization. With our team of SEO experts, we aim to deliver excellence in our every project by paying attention to details about every company.


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Originally published at on October 17, 2017.



Aarav Info Solutions -AIS
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