Flock: Twitter Insights

Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog


I was visiting NYC for a conference (Dribbble Hang Time) last month and wanted to see if any designers that follow me wanted to meet for coffee. There wasn’t any way to do this on Twitter, so I spent two weeks away from my main projects to work on something I needed: a way to filter through my followers to meet interesting people.

The end-result is Flock, a tool for Twitter power users (with greater than ~1,000+ followers) to search and stay updated on interesting people in their network.

Search down large followings into specific groups like your friends working in cryptocurrency in San Francisco, or engineers that follow you in New York City. Best of all, companies can use it too– it’s great for finding potential hires.

Try It Here: https://www.flock.network

Some ideas of what you could do:

  • You’re a founder trying to raise money– search your Followers for investor and get a list of investors that are already interested in your work.
  • You’re a designer traveling to NYC and want to meet other designers in the industry out there. Search for NYC and Design to get a list of designers that follow you in New York City to grab a coffee with.
  • You’re a recruiter trying to look for an enthusiastic engineering lead– so why not filter for ones that actually follow your company’s social by searching for engineer across your Followers?
  • You’re visiting SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con) or another convention and want a list of every friend or follower there as well.

The nature of having searchable profiles also means we know when someone updates their information– so we provide a feed of profile updates: a great way to keep up on changes in friend’s lives or for a scout to watch for potential employment changes.

Get a feed of profile updates to catch convention-visitors, employment changes, and life updates.

Flock has a standard 7-day free trial and costs $4.99 a month thereafter. It’s 20% off if you pay annually at $47.90. It costs money because I have to frequently store updates followers, because I’ll be continually improving it, and because I think this could be really powerful for both individual Twitter power-users and for companies and with large followings.

You can try Flock at https://www.flock.network

Join The Support Community: https://t.me/flocknet

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/flocknet

– Aaron Ng

Edit: Thanks for the support everyone!

Flock was recently the #4 Product of the Day on ProductHunt.

Check it out here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/flock-11

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Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog

technology, meditation, aesthetics. i’ve done work for companies including Facebook, Square, and Apple.