Logger for iOS

Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog
2 min readJan 4, 2017


I built out a quick little iOS mood logger over the weekend to track my subjective energy levels throughout the day. I’ve been measuring my blood glucose for the last few weeks with a wearable sensor in my arm (more on that in a few weeks). This is all part of a little project to get more data on how my body reacts to the things I eat and do.

The FreeStyle Libre System

The sensor gives me daily graphs, so I’ve been logging everything that I’ve been eating and drinking so that I can graph it all out later. I’ve also decided to start logging my subjective mood and energy levels, so I built Logger over a few hours on the weekend as a way to frictionlessly log my mood without having to do much fussing with my phone. You get a push every hour and just choose from a list.

I’m putting in the App Store for anyone else who might want to log their mood for whatever reason. It’s free, and if you’d like more powerful features like JSON export or backdating entries, it’s just $0.99.



Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog

technology, meditation, aesthetics. i’ve done work for companies including Facebook, Square, and Apple.