Passwordless Auth for Django Rest Framework

Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog
2 min readApr 3, 2017


I use Django a lot for my projects, specifically with Django Rest Framework. Not a big fan of passwords though, so I built a little package called drfpasswordless that works with Rest Framework’s Token Authentication scheme to create a user experience akin to Square Cash or Medium’s login / signup flow.


  1. A user enters a contact point like an email address or SMS number.

2. A token or link gets sent to the endpoint.

3. The user enters the token into the field (or clicks the link).

That’s all!

Contact-based authentication feels like the future– it’s faster, more secure, doesn’t require the user to remember anything, and if you’re lucky the incoming push notification has all the information a user needs to continue.

The flow, illustrated.

Here’s an example of what drfpasswordless does:

  1. Give it an email address or mobile number
curl -X POST -d "" localhost:8000/auth/email/

2. A token is sent to the user’s contact point.

<h1>Your login token is 128516</h1>

3. The user inputs it when challenged, and if valid gets an auth token (provided by Django Rest Framework’s Token Authentication scheme).

curl -X POST -d "token=128516" localhost:8000/callback/auth/

> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
> {"token":"76be2d9ecfaf5fa4226d722bzdd8a4fff207ed0e”}


  • Supports both email and SMS (via Twilio).
  • Customizable email templates and SMS messages.
  • Automatically mark contact points as valid or invalidated when changed.
  • Automatically register new contact points as new users.

You can check out or contribute to drfpasswordless on Github.

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Aaron Ng
Aaron's Blog

technology, meditation, aesthetics. i’ve done work for companies including Facebook, Square, and Apple.