“Power of Graph & Knowledge Graphs” — Future of data technologies?

Vikas Virupaksh
Aarth Software
Published in
10 min readApr 11, 2023

In recent days, most of you might have heard buzzwords like Graph databases & knowledge graphs. For the past few months, I have been actively engaging with clients, helping them to explore & educate on Graph-based technologies like graph databases, knowledge graphs, RDFs & Digital twins. Also, it is interesting to see some enterprises exploring these technologies seriously so that they are well prepared for easy adoption of these futuristic technologies.

In this article, I am trying to put across most of the information related to these graph-based technologies, like the differences between industries, impact, business revolution, how it will shape the future & so on.. let us get started!!

Introduction: The world of data technology is rapidly evolving. Graph databases, knowledge graphs, RDF, and digital twins are just a few of the game-changing advancements that are currently being developed and implemented in the data space. These tools are helping to unlock the power of data, enabling faster decisions and more meaningful insights to be drawn from the information. Whereas Traditional databases are limited in their ability to process complex relationships between different elements & the execution of complex queries is complicated & time-consuming. The power of graph technology lies in its ability to connect data points to form relationships. This means that complex data can be broken down into easily accessible pieces, allowing for faster and more accurate analysis. By using graph technology, businesses can gain valuable insights into behavior, trends, and preferences. Graph technology is not only revolutionizing the way we store and process data, but it’s also changing the way we interact with data. Graph technology offers sophisticated ways to model, store, and query data, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights from their data. In this article, we will explore how graph technology is shaping the future of data and how organizations can leverage this powerful technology to drive their data-driven initiatives. We will discuss how graph databases are different from other databases and why they are so well-suited for analyzing complex relationships between data. We will also explore how graph technology can be used to gain insights from data and how organizations can use it to make informed decisions. Finally, we will discuss some of the potential applications of graph technology in the future of data. Graph technology is a powerful tool for understanding data and unlocking its potential. As technology continues to evolve and become more widely adopted, the possibilities for graph technology are endless. Graph technology is shaping the future of data, and it’s an exciting time to be a part of it. But what does the future of data technology look like?

Current Analytics Industry vs Graph Industry

First, let us understand how the current industry is placed versus how the graph industry will work on a hierarchical structure. Please refer to the below image (Fig. 1.0) on the current Analytical industry hierarchy, where for any insight, analytics, or decision data that is basic, we use databases, then we do data management activities, then a reporting layer, then a data visualization layer, then BI, and at last its analytics. Here AI & ML can be used at any layer of hierarchy, where we put machines to learn & show us the output. BI or Business Intelligence is a system that helps business users to come up with decision-based on insights & analytics which is provided, hence, it is called a “Decision Enablement system”

Figure 1.0 — Current Analytics Industry Hierarchy

Similarly, with Graph industry, databases are the base of the hierarchy, but here it is Graph databases instead of traditional databases, then knowledge graphs, then the RDF layer, & lastly it is Digital twins, refer to below image (Fig. 1.1). By creating knowledge graphs using Graph databases, we can eliminate most of the data fabricated products as Graph databases store any type of structured, unstructured & semi Structured information & it is index free, hence it provides a flexible graph model, that helps you store large data & provides extensive scalability option with super-fast querying. Knowledge graphs are nothing but digitizing knowledge with data. Whereas RDF (Resource Development Framework) supports bringing semantic data & existing data into one single system, which indeed helps AI & ML with missing values, parameters, and variables with context. That’s why we say RDFs & knowledge graphs are enablers for AI & ML, which we can get higher accuracy & efficiency. With all these tools RDFs are used as a Decision Intelligence systems for businesses solving real-world problems rather than showing only analytics. Digital Twins are built using knowledge graphs & RDF.

Figure 1.1 — Graph Industry Hierarchy

Differences between Traditional & Graph databases

Traditional databases are great for storing structured data but fail to capture connections between different pieces of information. On the other hand, graph technology is designed to manage unstructured data with ease and provides a way to visualize complex relationships between data points, the differences between graph technology and traditional databases are significant refer to image (Fig. 2.0). Graph technology and traditional databases differ in their approaches to storing and organizing data. Traditional databases, such as relational databases, rely on tables with rows and columns to store data. They are designed for structured data that can be easily categorized into pre-defined categories. On the other hand, graph databases are built around nodes (entities) connected by edges (relationships). This allows them to handle complex relationships between entities more efficiently than traditional databases.

Figure 2.0 — Traditional vs Graph Databases

Graph technology databases are extremely useful for applications that require real-time analysis of large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data. Graph databases excel at handling vast amounts of interconnected information, making them ideal for any use case some are like x360, anomaly detection, Supply chain resilience, new innovations, recommendation engines & the list goes on. Another key difference between graph tech and traditional database systems is their query language. Traditional DBMSs use SQL (Structured Query Language), which requires knowledge of complex syntax rules and has limited capabilities when it comes to querying relationships between entities. Graph database systems have their own query language called Cypher or we call GQL (graph Query language), which makes it easier to express queries about relationships in a natural way. Graph technology offers significant advantages over traditional relational models when dealing with highly-connected datasets requiring dynamic queries against changing schemas. In summary, while traditional database systems have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the application requirements and type of data being stored, whereas Graph databases are limitless in scaling & performance. While traditional databases excel at handling structured data, graph technology provides a more flexible approach to managing complex relationships and unstructured data. As businesses continue to deal with increasingly complex data sets, it’s essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different database technologies available today.it is important to evaluate factors like performance, scalability, ease of use, cost-effectiveness & ROI while your team is looking for traditional databases.

At the end of the day — A graph database aligns best with your business objectives while ensuring optimal performance and reliability. As always — exploring modern technologies! The world is evolving at breakneck speed; staying ahead requires us all to be open-minded about new possibilities & technologies like Graph tech. Knowledge graphs, RDF.

Once you have understood these basic concepts it’s easier to understand further concepts on how graphs will be shaping the future data approach

Graph- based technologies for Data management

Graph-based technologies are becoming increasingly popular in data management because they allow for efficient representation and analysis of complex relationships and dependencies between data entities. Now a days some large enterprise companies have started relying on Graph technology as it is quickly becoming an essential component for managing and understanding large volumes of data. Knowledge graphs and RDF (Resource Description Framework) are two related technologies that are commonly used in data management along with graph databases to represent, store and organize complex knowledge structures. Some examples of Graph-based technologies in data management include.

  • Data discovery: Knowledge graphs can be used to organize data in a way that makes it easier to discover and explore. RDF can be used to add metadata and annotations to the data, making it more searchable and accessible.
  • Data integration: Knowledge graphs can be used to integrate data from different sources by mapping entities and relationships to a common schema. RDF can be used to encode the resulting data in a standard format that can be shared and reused across different applications and platforms.
  • Data analysis: Knowledge graphs can be used to model complex relationships between data entities, making it easier to perform advanced analytics and machine learning tasks. RDF can be used to encode the resulting data and share it with other applications and platforms.
  • Data sharing: RDF can be used to encode data in a standard format that can be shared and reused across different applications and platforms. Knowledge graphs can be used to provide a common schema and ontology for the shared data, making it easier to understand and use.
  • Semantic search and discovery: Knowledge graphs and RDF can be used to enable more precise and meaningful search and discovery of data, by allowing users to search for concepts and relationships rather than just keywords.
  • Personalization and recommendation systems: Knowledge graphs and RDF can be used to power personalized recommendation systems, by analyzing user preferences and relationships between entities.
  • Data governance and compliance: Knowledge graphs and RDF can be used to manage metadata and ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR.

There is more, will share in upcoming articles dedicated to data management 😉

How Graph technologies will Revolutionizing Businesses

The world of data is constantly evolving, and with the introduction of graph technology, businesses of all sizes can now access and analyse data in a way they never thought it is possible. Multi uses under one platform shows below image (Fig. 3.0) With the use of graph technology, businesses can now gain insights into customer behavior, create more efficient marketing strategies, and improve customer service. Graph technology is revolutionizing businesses in several separate ways. For example, graph technology can be used to create detailed customer profiles, allowing businesses to better understand their customers and target potential customers with more personalized campaigns. Additionally, graph technology can help businesses identify relationships between customers and products, which can lead to more effective marketing campaigns and improved customer service. Graph technology can also be used to analyze large volumes of data quickly and accurately, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions. With graph technology, businesses can also detect anomalies in data and detect fraud more effectively. By doing so, businesses can reduce losses and increase profits.

Figure 3.0 — Industrial Usage of Knowledge Graphs

Understanding the role of Graph-based technologies in real world problems

The world of data is rapidly evolving. With the advent of modern technologies, the way we look at data is changing, and graph technology is playing an increasingly important role. Graph technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with data, making it easier to visualize relationships and uncover new insights. Graph technology is a powerful tool for tackling real-world problems. By representing data as a graph, it’s possible to uncover hidden relationships and patterns that would otherwise remain hidden. In a graph-based system, data is represented as a network of interconnected nodes. This allows users to quickly visualize and explore the data, making it easier to identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions. Graph technology has numerous applications in the real world. From manufacturing, healthcare, finance to social media, graph technology can be used to uncover insights and make better decisions. For example, graph technology can be used to identify financial fraud, track the spread of a virus, Predictive maintenance, demand management, risk & sustainability or even help social media companies better understand their users. With the rise of graph technology, it’s becoming easier to make sense of large datasets. By connecting the dots, users can uncover new insights and make more informed decisions. As the technology continues to evolve, it will become even more powerful and capable of tackling increasingly complex tasks. Graph technology has the potential to shape the future of data. As the technology continues to develop, it will revolutionize how we interact with data, bringing us closer to uncovering the hidden secrets of our world, below is the work flow of how graph solution will work.(Fig.4.0 )

Figure 4.0 — Workflow of Graph solution for real-world problems

The Future is Here: Graph Technology is Shaping the Future of Data

As technology continues to evolve, it’s clear that graph based technologies like Graph database, RDF & Digital twins is set to become an integral part of the future data. Its ability to quickly and accurately connect data points, as well as its scalability, makes it more powerful tool for companies to utilize. With the right investments in graph technology, organizations can unlock the true potential of their data and gain deeper insights into their businesses. The potential of graph technology is vast, and organizations that embrace it now will be well-positioned to reap the rewards in the years to come. If you’re looking to maximize the value of your data, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the power of graph technology.


The possibilities of graph technology are truly limitless. From complex network analysis ,predictive analytics to prescriptive analytics, graph technology has been making rapid strides as a powerful tools for working with data. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way data is stored and analyzed, and it is likely that it will become an essential part of the data analysis process in the future. With its ability to handle complex relationships and quickly identify patterns, graph technology is sure to be a game-changer in the world of data analysis. The future of graph technology looks very promising, and the advancements that have been made in the past few years have only scratched the surface. It is up to us to take advantage of this incredible technology and use it to create powerful insights from our data.



Vikas Virupaksh
Aarth Software

Solution & Consulting on Property Graph, Knowledge Graphs, RDF , Digital Twin