10 Ways to Increase Your Sales for Your Small Business

Murali Gottumukkala
aasaan platform blog
5 min readOct 15, 2021

Entrepreneurs acknowledge the fact that to make a fortune; they must invest. However, small businesses often struggle to gain new customers, despite their best efforts. Fortunately, for small businesses, a few proven strategies come to the rescue. So, if you have a home, service-based business, this article can help you achieve your sales goals quickly. Read on to find out how!

Did You Know?

  • 24% of marketers use online paid advertising to impact direct sales.
  • 94% of top-performing salespersons engage in social networks like LinkedIn to gain better leads.
  • Email marketing renders an average return of $38 for every $1 spent.

(source: Hubspot)

Indian business owner trying to increase his online sales

(Source: FreePik)

So, have you explored the power of digital marketing to gain new customers?

Top Proven Ways to Increase Sales Online

Digital marketing services for small businesses are the stepping stones for success. If you are on a shoestring budget, here are some cost-effective and trackable methods that can tremendously improve your sales pipeline.

Indian business owner trying to figure out how to increase his online sales

Image source

Get discovered to acquire customers!

Regardless of your business size, hybrid sales efficiently work to gain new customers. But, what is hybrid sales? It’s a strategy that uses the traditional method with digital promotional channels.

Wondering why you need it? With potential social-media customers browsing online and purchasing from e-commerce stores, connecting with them on digital platforms is worth the effort.

That said, do you have an online business presence? If not, here’s how you can build it.

Create “my business page” on Google

Get discovered easily by local customers with a business page on Google. This basic yet powerful page builds trust among your potential customers and reduces discovery time.

Create a website

Platforms like the AASAAN app are available to assist you with website creation. You may select from predefined templates to create a website or a landing page. The simple drag and drop feature helps you create a simple yet powerful website within a few minutes.

Create your social media profiles

Social media is a powerful tool to advertise businesses and engage with potential customers. Create your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn pages to showcase projects and share engaging content with the audience, and keep them hooked.

Win customers with these sales tactics!

Request for referrals

Request your existing customers for referrals, as they have purchased your products and services, and will be delighted to share your work in their network. Use these strategies to convert your customers into a vital lead source:

Call your customers to thank them for their business. Express how much you value their patronage.

Your account manager must ensure that your customers are satisfied with the customer support and products/services rendered. Further, discuss problem areas (if any), and ask their suggestions on improving the situation.

Finally, reconnect and request referrals in their network who may need your products/services.

Engage with your network to identify leads

Invest in your personal and social networks to identify hot leads. Such networks involve your healthcare practitioner, family, friends, lawyers, etc. You may not consider them for a sales pitch, but you should start with them. Why? Since they know you, they trust you. And, what could be better than people who can brag about your services/products in their network to help you gain new business?

Describe your business, and inform them about your potential audience. Suppose they have a prospect, request for an introduction. Alternatively, share your email to pass it on.

Indian online e-commerce business owner trying to sell his products online

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Engage with online events

With digital marketing ruling the roost, entrepreneurs invest aggressively in online events, such as podcasts, digital summits & conferences, and digital festivals. Participating in these events will improve and strengthen your social network. As you engage with the participants, learn about their business, or a challenge they seek a solution for and evaluate where you can assist them. Follow up after a week with a thank you email, and connect with them on LinkedIn.

Re-visit lost opportunities

A few months or weeks ago, you connected with a potential customer only to be turned down. You were disheartened, but there’s always a probability. What if now, they seek your services? So, don’t be shy to reconnect with them. Remember, customers who did not buy from you earlier are your qualified sales lead, and the potential to nurture and convert them exists.

Optimize your social media profile

LinkedIn: Create a crisp headline and description that quickly describes who you are, what you do, and your aim. A witty headline with keywords always grabs attention. For instance, “10 Ways To Increase Your Sales For Your Small Business”

Twitter: Add a professional-looking photograph, your company’s name hyper-linked, to your website, LinkedIn account, and hashtags that resonate with your audience. Follow Twitter profiles in your industry, as they can help you gain potential leads. Do not forget to re-tweet often to keep your account active.

Instagram: Keep it fun and professional by including a professional photograph, relevant products/services images, and hashtags relevant to your audience.

Email campaign

Establish an email campaign with your audience to apprise about your products/services, build their interest, and eventually convert them.

Email campaigns are based on two concepts: Trigger-based and Time-based.

Trigger-based emails are sent to an audience that acted, like purchased your product, browsed your website/product catalogue, downloaded a brochure, or subscribed to your email list.

Time-based e-mails are sent to the audience who have opted to receive a newsletter fortnightly or made a purchase.

To make your campaign effective, ensure to write content keeping in mind your target audience.

Engage with live chat users

Host a chatbot on your website and train it to answer frequently asked questions, book an appointment, and connect visitors to your sales team. Further, you can review conversions between chatbot and sales team to learn more about your potential audience and what value-addition you can offer them.

Write and publish articles and blogs

Writing and sharing informative content or a DIY indicates your expertise in your business/industry. This will build trust and confidence in your brand, and eventually, they will seek you out for assistance. Subsequently, building trust and confidence about your brand among your audience; eventually, they seek you out for assistance.

Host a webinar

Online workshops or webinars prove valuable to attract potential customers. They enable you to educate and interact with them, leading to impactful lead generation and conversion.

Hunt for leads on social networks

Promote your product/services on Facebook, LinkedIn, answer queries in your niche markets, join relevant business groups to connect with your audience. Once your network grows, you will get better at winning new customers.

Accelerate your business to new heights with these hot tips and assistance from the AASAAN app.

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