Investing in your leadership potential: a strategy for success

You’ve built your business from concept to reality and now it’s time to scale-up to the next level. Are you ready? Are you confident you have the skills to lead your business through its next stage of growth?

Jennifer Clamp: Founder Coach
Aata Coaching
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


You could risk ‘winging it’ and make unnecessary mistakes along the way, or you could invest in your leadership potential by attending Aata’s Founder to CEO Day — an opportunity to explore how you see yourself, how others see you, your business as it is, and what type of leader you want to be.

Self-reflection, journal
Photo by: Andre Piacquadio on Pexels

The most important factor for the success of a scale-up is leadership.

Great companies know why they do what they do, how they got to be where they are, where they want to get to, and what they must do to get there.

Founders who become great CEOs understand how to lead and manage themselves first. They know themselves, are aware of how others perceive them, and the impact they have on others. They use this knowledge to lead and grow their businesses, by building inclusive cultures and bringing together high-performing executive teams.

“Self-awareness is the meta-skill of the twenty-first century… the qualities most critical for success in today’s world — things like emotional intelligence, empathy, influence, persuasion, communication and collaboration, all stem from self-awareness.” Dr Tasha Eurich, Insight — How to Succeed by Seeing Yourself

For me, building this self-awareness has been a long and reflective journey accelerated through my business coaching training with Meyler Campbell’s year long Mastered Programme. I tried much of what is on offer in terms of coaching, psychometric testing, strengths assessment, and 360-degree feedback as part of the programme.

Taking the time to reflect on my interests, skills and behaviours has helped me visualise how they complemented each other and how I can best contribute to things I’m passionate about whilst playing to my strengths.

The Aata concept was born.

The resulting clarity was powerful: I learned what type of business it would suit me to build and developed my strategy to get there.

A strategy I want to share with other founders at the point of scaling their business who, like me, are very close to their ‘why’, are driven by their purpose, and who recognise they only have one life to live. The stakes are high and there’s no time for mediocrity. We, through our businesses, have a responsibility to leave a positive legacy for the next generation.

A strategy for success

Aata’s Founder to CEO Day creates a roadmap for founders at the start of the journey to becoming a CEO. The day is designed to accelerate your professional development ahead of your business’ growth. It gives a holistic view of your leadership of yourself, your team and your business, all in the context of your current business goals.

Aata will guide you through the process of understanding these different perspectives and together, we will begin to construct your personal development plan, focusing on:

1. Gaining a clear understanding of your business as it is now.

  • Defining your growth goals
  • Mapping your business’ evolution to meet those goals

2. Understanding yourself.

  • By completing psychological and personality assessments to determine your strengths, weaknesses, mindset, personality preferences and self-sabotage tendencies

3. Understanding how others see you.

  • Informed by 360-degree feedback (interviews with key stakeholders, including your board, colleagues and team)

4. Deciding what kind of leader you want to be.

  • Exploring your purpose, values, mission and vision for your future
  • Deciding where you want to go as an entrepreneur, CEO and leader
  • Understanding what your business requires of you for its next phase of growth, and how to deliver what’s required
  • Taking action to support your development.

Your first step towards self-awareness is booking a complimentary chemistry call with Jennifer Clamp, Aata’s Founder Coach.

Get in touch to secure your space.



Jennifer Clamp: Founder Coach
Aata Coaching

With Aata founders become CEOs and businesses grow sustainably 💫 ⚡️ Book your complimentary Chemistry Call 👉