Aave Ecosystem Grants, Round 2

David Truong
Aave Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2020

Round 2 is closed!

For more information, see the new (proposed) grants program: https://governance.aave.com/t/arc-aave-community-grants-program/

Grants Round 1 Results

Since we announced the Ecosystem Grants Round 1 in April, we received more than 30 applications and have funded 23 of them (70% of the applicants!). In total, we’ve offered more than 70,000 aDai to developers, builders, and projects that have (or plan to) integrate Aave.

Projects ranged from portfolio apps, complex financial products, to games and interfaces to make it easier to deposit and save money.

Among the grantees, these are some of the publicly announced projects:

🎬 In Production projects:

DeFi Saver — Your premier DeFi management app.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] help us focus resources on carefully planning out and building advanced new features that’ll benefit numerous DeFi users.”

Rotki — The portfolio tracker and accounting tool for crypto and DeFi that respects your privacy.
“We are adding support for tracking and accounting for Aave lending in the next version of Rotki (v1.6.0)”

Jarvis Network — A set of protocols to gain exposure to the price of any assets against liquidity pools.
“We are simply leveraging from the redirect() function to stream our community’s deposit interests to our company wallet, to subsidise the fees of our fiat on-ramp. In exchange, our users farm $JRT.”

YieldHero — A control panel to unlock Aave yields, including interest redirection and aToken swaps via Balancer pools.
The Aave Ecosystem Grants program added some bootstrap liquidity to the aToken Balancer pools.

JellySwap — Peer to peer trades across different blockchains.
“ Every single tweet, word or mention of Jelly, that your team was so nice to make, helped us gain audience and attention to our project in a very crucial moment”

88mph — Earn upfront fixed-rate interest on your digital dollars, it’s like your interest is traveling back from the future!
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] greatly accelerated our launch schedule.”

👷‍♀️ Pre-Production / Test phase projects:

Uproot — The first lossless education platform powered by DeFi.
“[With the Aave Ecosystem Grant], we will be able to finish contract optimization, user experience and branding in a much faster pace.”

Aavegotchi — Bring your Aave yield to life, by responding in real-time to yield performance with gamified crypto collectibles.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] is helping us bootstrap the project, providing funding for concept artwork, DAO creation, whitepaper research, and much more.”

Lucrum — Decentralised limit orders platform boosted by market making helps you to get best rates possible.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] will be helpful for us to make this product live in the market.”

wAgEr — Predicting interest rates using ML models to provide an edge for yield farmers.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] helped in testing the interest rate strategies on main-net, hosting costs, data acquisition and evaluating the prediction accuracy.”

Telegram Totality — Ethereum for Telegram bot developers.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants helped getting] from hackathon project to first version of the protocol”

Pods — Limitless options on Ethereum.
“[Aave Ecosystem Grants] help us focus resources on carefully planning out and building advanced new features that’ll benefit numerous DeFi users.”

Grants Round 2: How to Apply

We’re happy to continue supporting the developers and projects building on and making use of the Aave protocol, with a more streamlined grant process. Are you ready?

Details of Round 2:

  • To apply, complete this form.
  • Maximum grant amount increased up to 10,000 aDai per team/project.
  • Internally, we will have a cross-functional grants board whom will make autonomous grant decisions up to 5,000 aDai, as quickly as possible.
  • Grant requests above 5,000 aDai will go into extended review with other Aave stakeholders and team members (so will take a bit longer to decide).

What we’re looking for:

We would love to see more projects related to the following:

  • Our upcoming features around the new LEND tokenomics, governance features, and delegated credit lines.
  • Tools, interfaces, and games that help users save and earn.
  • Tools that help users take advantage of Flash Loans.
  • More DeFi products that help increase the liquidity, volume, and/or interest earned by Aave depositors.
  • (More details on the application form)

We look forward to seeing your innovative projects! 👀

