Aave x Hackmoney Time to #BuiDL

Marc Zeller
Aave Blog
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2020

Aave is proud to support the HackMoney hackathon organized by EthGlobal. Hackers will have a month to ship their best hack on our protocol, build on Aave and grab our 5000 aDAI prize pool!

Back to the Future of Finance

Art from our Community member Amanda C.

Aave is a decentralized non-custodial money market protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (Flash Loans) fashion.

In a bit less than 5 months, many DApps have leveraged on Aave features to offer DeFi services, among them:

Aave is and will remain third-party friendly. Our protocol is under the true open-source AGPLv3 license leaving you free to build as you want and participate in our open-source ecosystem.

Developers are invited to leverage on Aave features :

  • Deposits tokenization with the aTokens — for the first time in DeFi, tokenized deposits are at a 1:1 ratio with their underlying assets
    e.g 1 aDAI = 1 DAI = 1 USD.
    aToken holders have an ever-increasing balance directly in their wallets.
  • Native protocol redirection — any user can define a beneficiary Ethereum address and all their interest will be streamed to the recipient natively.
  • Flash Loans — 50M$ liquidity are available and a few lines of code away, borrow as much as you want without any collateral, execute some actions and bring back the capital and the end of your transaction. Liquidations, arbitrage, collateral swaps, and more… the opportunities are limitless.

Need Inspiration?

If you’re having some trouble finding inspiration for your hack, we’re happy to share a few ideas collected from the Aave community. Please do not feel in any way limited by them — build the product you want and we will always be around in the #Aave channel of the Discord to give feedback and support!

Seamless No Lock-No Loss ecosystem

At Aave we’re big fans of rDAI. rDAI allows anyone to redirect their interest on their deposits to charities, and with Aave’s native interest redirection anyone can now build this service completely natively without having to lock your DAI or wrap it into another asset. Pick your charity from a curated list, hit a button calling a dedicated smart-contract function, and done!

We’re also fans of Gitcoin and their CLR matching rounds to support open-source projects. You can already donate aTokens for an ever-increasing donation to the project you like such as Rotki (the privacy-focused DeFi portfolio), but with interest redirection, it’s now possible to directly support a project seamlessly.

But wait there’s more!

You don’t have to be limited to donations, the no lock and no-loss ecosystem leveraging on native interest redirection is only limited by your creativity.

We love PoolTogether, and we would love to see a version supporting the 6 stablecoins listed on Aave. Without any need to lock your money, just redirect your interest to a pool, and get a chance to win big each week!

Knowing the DeFi community, we also think a good part of the audience would love DApps leveraging on the no-Lock no Loss features. Here are some additional ideas:

  • Prediction markets to bet on the next US president, the Price of ETH in a Month, and so on…
  • For gaming, organize a tournament with your community where users redirect interest to a pool and the leaderboard collects the prizes! You can even find sponsors in the ecosystem who will redirect capital without cost on their side and will boost the earnings of your users.
  • For investment, following the path of the awesome Dessert Dai demo made by the PieDAO team, redirect your interest to a contract buying RealT tokens to invest in Real estate properties, a LINK/ETH RSI Token Set to benefit from the perma-upside of LINK and much more.

$ALEX personal tokens, Upgraded

Alex Masmej personal token sale $ALEX made some noise! Alex, a young crypto-entrepreneur sold 20k$ worth of personal tokens and will redistribute 15% of his earnings in the next 3 years to $Alex holders.

Personal tokens will grow as a market in the next few months led by projects such as tryroll.me.

Personal tokenomics can leverage on Aave features. During a Personal Token Offering or “PTO”, the fundraiser collects a lump sum to finance future spending. This lump sum can be deposited into Aave and will generate interest. These earnings can then be redirected to a smart-contract buying personal tokens on a DeFi market such as Uniswap, and burn them to create a constant pressure to buy and reduce the monetary supply of the token.

The share of earnings will contribute to generated interest and be distributed each quarter/year to token holders.

Building a DApp enables these features and might be successful in the soon-to-be growing market.

Building Steady DeFi on Interest Swaps

Variable rates are the cornerstone of DeFi, but it’s both a curse and a blessing. As a depositor, you’re sure to earn the best possible market rate any second on your deposits, but it’s impossible to predict your earnings in the longer term. As a borrower, you can be attracted by low rates, spend the money, and be locked in a high rate loan due to a change in market conditions.

The same issues also exist in traditional finance. Decades of finance engineering lead to many derivatives and among them interest swap markets which, in short, match a depositor or a borrower with a trader willing to give a fixed rate to earn the potential upside.

In DeFi, Opium Network is a pioneer in this field with a mainnet MVP Swaprate.finance allowing you to collect a fixed deposit rate on your Aave DAI deposits.

In decentralized markets with little to no middlemen, we have the opportunity to build more efficient and accessible financial products for the end-users.

The concept can be expanded and will allow countless use-cases, leading to a more steady and attractive decentralized finance.

Perfect opportunity to bring your ideas to life

Hackathons such as the HackMoney event are the perfect opportunities for you to focus on building what will become a successful project with support and feedback from rockstar developers of the ecosystem and the possibility to earn a cash prize to help your project grow and meet your first users.

Aave is happy to contribute to the reward prizes and will distribute 3 cash prizes during this hackathon in interest-bearing aDAI tokens to the winners:

  • $2500 for the hackathon winner
  • $1500 for the following up hacker
  • $1000 for the last but not least 3rd hacker

Join our community and Keep on #BuiDLing

Feel free to dive into our Developers Documentation tailored to help you build on Aave, join us in our #Developers channel on Our discord server and participate in our HackMoney Session every Wednesday at 2pm Uk Time during the Hackathon on the official HackMoney Discord server

We can’t wait to see all the incredible products and services you’ll build on Aave!

Art from our Community member Amanda C.

