ETHLend Baiji Release Has Arrived on The Mainnet!

Stani Kulechov
Aave Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

We are proud to announce that our baby has born: the Baiji release with all of its new amazing features has been launched today! ETHLend has evolved again.

Right before Christmas, we launched Baiji in Kovan testnet, as you can read here. After the bug bounty and, as usual, the precious help of the community, we are finally ready to announce the launch on Ethereum!

Our Users Can Now Borrow Against BTC 👑 and DAI📌

We are very happy with the result of our hard work of the last months, especially for the introduction of Bitcoin interoperability: from now on, users can borrow against Bitcoin.

Bitcoin lending represents a huge step since for the first time in the crypto backed lending market, through ETHLend borrowers can propose their own interest rates for Bitcoin loans in a peer-to-peer marketplace.

Also, our users have now the possibility to borrow against DAI, winner of our first community vote for stablecoins, becoming the first stablecoin that will be available in ETHLend. This is another big step towards the best user experience you can get from a crypto lennding marketplace.

Moreover, we introduced a lot of other new features, which are listed here.

❗️ Want to Be Part of Our Rewarding Game? Two Months Challenge Starts Now!💰

As usual, we want to reward our community. That is why today we are launching this challenge to which both lenders and borrowers can participate.

The Rules are very simple. The more users help us to reach our goals, the more we will reward them.


Use your DAI to fund loans and get a reward in LEND tokens. The more people participate the easier is to get the rewards, if we reach the DAI volume required in loans, users can earn up to 50% of the fees charged during the time of the competition

The schema is as follows:

Volume Reached — % earned
70,000 DAI — 10% Lenders’ fees
140,000 DAI — 20% Lenders’ fees
210,000 DAI — 30% Lenders’ fees
280,000 DAI — 40% Lenders’ fees
350,000 DAI — 50% Lenders’ fees


Use your BTC to get a loan and earn some rewards in LEND tokens. The more people participate the easier is to get the rewards, if we reach the BTC volume required in loans, users earn up to 50% of the fees charged during the time of the competition.

Volume Reached — % earned
20 BTC — 10% Borrowers’ fees
40 BTC — 20% Borrowers’ fees
60 BTC — 30% Borrowers’ fees
80 BTC — 40% Borrowers’ fees
100 BTC — 50% Borrowers’ fees

🎯 The challenge starts now and lasts until 31st of March. Everyone who participates will receive part of the rewards based on the volume she got.

Don't forget to share with friends: the more we are, the more we earn!

Start the challeng on ETHLend now! 🎬

