A Pawn’s Gambit

Aaveg Content Team
The Aaveg Blog
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2021
Sahastra Kshetra

The news of her retirement had spread throughout the cosmos. The wise one was, alas, stepping down. Rumors covered all the kingdoms, each rooting for their own element to assume the post of the supreme Chakravarthi. The Seers foresaw a war. The five forces Aakash, Agni, Vayu, Prithvi, and Jal were soon called to the Sahastra Kshetra by Chakravarthi Shakti, the wise one.

The Sahastra Kshetra was a beautifully constructed building that exhibited a variety of exotic artifacts. The alluring floral decorations at the entrance added to the grandeur of the garden. The forces then walked past a glimmering waterfall that Jal had created. Shimmering sprites greeted them and offered drinks as they entered the court hall. The nobles were startled when they found out that the Chakravarthi was yet to arrive.

Vayu being swift and mischievous was the first to notice this and said “Maybe the great Chakravarthi has forgotten about the meeting” in a sarcastic tone.

The zealous Aakash scoffed “Maybe we are not important enough for her highness”.

“The Chakravarthi might be old, but she never forgets her duties”, said Prithvi with immense confidence in a deep voice.

Agni losing her patience snarled “Her eminence only knows to waste our time; I say we leave”.

Jal intervened and said, “Let us give the wise-one some more time. The job of a Chakravarthi is arduous and time-consuming”.

Lightning struck the dais and amongst the scintillating lights was a sagacious figure. Thunder echoed through the halls. The Chakravarthi had just teleported into the meeting hall.

“I am glad that all are present here,” said the Chakravarthi in a wearied yet steady voice. She then said “My children, the time has come for me to leave the post of Chakravarthi. The crown needs a young and strong warrior. The head that wears the crown gets to deal with all the accounts in all the towns.”

They then looked at each other as she lifted her bejeweled imperial crown and placed it on the throne. Before they could utter a word the Chakravarthi disappeared.

It was one of those moments which seemed to stretch for an eternity. The news came as a shock. The five entities stuttered in disbelief at what they had just heard.

Everyone’s hearts raced. The desire for the crown shone in their eyes.

The ambitious and calculative Aakash the first to recover to his senses. He strode towards the throne. Just as he reached for the crown, a trident stopped him in his tracks. A loud, deep voice resonated through the halls “How dare you?” It was the mighty being — Jal. Though the timing of each drop was whimsical, there was a rare composure and serenity in the touch of the dripping droplets that soaked the air. However, the clouded thirst for power locked the compassion in a remote shadow.

Aakash replied arrogantly “I thought it was obvious. I am Aakash. I am supreme and above all things that matter. The crown must rest upon my golden locks.” Lightning struck the ground and thunder rolled.

Being vigorous and full of spirit Vayu’s spine jolted with lust for the crown. His golden chance was upon him. Amidst the chaos, he could secure the crown unnoticed. He whirled like a gusty wind towards the throne. He was shoved away by a wave of saltwater.

Cursing under his breath Vayu stood up. With a flick of his hands, winds burst forth and dried his clothes. He replied arrogantly “The very air that you breathe arises from me. I am everywhere, naturally I know everything”.

Jal responded with laughter, “You could be everywhere but it feels like you are nowhere. Sly and dainty Vayu, you are weightless. The weightless cannot carry the weight of the crown. I am the worthy successor. Remember the mighty oceans and seas are behind me.”

An enraged voice came forth, “Lower your arrogance Jal. You are no better than braggart Vayu here in front of me. A glance your way and you’d vaporize on the spot. It is evident that I must assume the throne for I embody the rampage and power of fire itself. There is none stronger than me. There is none who could stand my fury.” It was the short-tempered entity Agni. Her eyes blazed in fury fueled by her deepest desires. Flames flickered from the tips of her hair.

The argument was far from over. Prithvi exasperatedly stood up, “Well well well, Agni. It seems like you have burnt away what was left of your wits. The very purpose of all of your existence is to support me. I have indulged your nonsense for far longer than I should have. I’m tired of you walking over me. All of you exist to serve me and my life forms. Since I am clearly the most important, the crown belongs to me.” Habituated to Prithvi’s humility, everyone was stupefied.

It wasn’t just the entities, their very elements were at war. They hurled and thrashed against each other. A state of utter pandemonium ensued. The cosmos was getting torn apart.

The extinction of all life in the cosmos is about to begin. Aakash, Vayu, Jal, Agni, and Prithvi were ready to unleash the worst.

“My crops are on fire!”

“The winds are too strong; roofs are torn apart; trees are uprooted; shrapnel in the air.”

The cries of the people carried over the high walls of the castle and made their way to Shakthi’s ears.

She grumbled and gestured towards her guards to open the balcony doors. Shakthi walked out, or rather, teleported. When you’re a primordial entity who can bend the fabric of space, why waste time doing mortal things, like walk?

Shakthi is greeted by a swarm of people, every single one of them wailing about their unique predicament. She surveyed the scene presented in front of her and slowly knotted her hair.

“The water’s flooding our homes!”

“The earth breaks under our feet and jabs into our soles!”

Shakthi mulled over the situation. She had predicted skirmishes would erupt, but not a threat to the balance of the cosmos.

“Please, Chakravarthi! You cannot abandon your people like this. We will go to ruin if you leave your throne — the entities’ desire for power brings nothing but strife. ”

The worn-out empress bearing witness to the cries of her people broke her silence.

“The head that dons the crown grows weary, and I am no different. My bones tire and my grip on the throne weakens. But it is not feeble yet. So hear me now, and heed me well. The five entities are aggrieved, and we are now at a crossroads. The time has come for us to choose a rightful successor. Now, whom shall we crown as the deserving heir?”

Waves of chants ensued, each faction rooting for their own beloved element.

“Agni keeps our homes warm, without her we would be mere icicles!”

“The very land we are on is the work of Prithvi, how else would we survive without him?”

“Jal is the elixir of life.”

“Vayu is our breath and soul; he is the natural fit!”

“Aakash is the protection that holds our lives together. Without the atmosphere, we would be exposed to the fiery wrath of the Sun.”

“ENOUGH!”, Shakthi thundered. “Naturally, all of you are partial towards your own force and therefore, none of you here can lend me an objective eye. There is only one way to settle this”.

The Chakravarthi drew in a deep breath and announced with renewed vigor.

“The 5 clans will engage in a series of crucial quests — quests that will test their skills, mental fortitude, and their people’s spirit. In essence, it will prove their ‘Aaveg’; their passion to rise to the occasion and establish their worthiness as a successor.”

