‘Awesome’ Things To Do In College

Aaveg Content Team
The Aaveg Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2020

College is indeed a life-changing experience for everyone, and what you make of it is, completely up to you. We present just a sliver into how to make your life a college, a tad bit more ‘awesome’.

  1. Decide that FIFA20 is more important than class and end up with 30% attendance. Because that game is completely different from FIFA19 from last year.
  2. You discover that waking up is such a hassle, so you turn off all the alarms, and skip all the morning classes.
  3. Meet the HOD of your department while eating an ice-cream, and shove it on his face, “by mistake” of course, off-course.
  4. Ask your college crush out, get rejected, and spend your semester in depression.
  5. During finals, learn pen-tapping, and experiment with different styles of you-know-what.
  6. Call your ENIR faculty and start swearing at that guy, then confess your love for the world, then cut the call.
  7. Math is too hard, so you give up on life.
  8. Now start pondering whether you even had a life before college, so start another brand-new college meme page.
  9. Remember your crush? Now you’ve shifted hostel to the stone-bench all four years waiting for the ONE.
  10. Somehow make your roommate kick the bucket, and make it appear as a suicide, so you can pass the semester.
  11. Burn down the whole college, so you get the degree and can pass out of college asap.
  12. Be part of a stunt that could get you killed, or worse expelled!
  13. Bring a friend into a mess which they’re not part of. (I meant problems, not the eating place, duh.)
  14. Try to sneak into Opal without being spotted by people, nor cameras, and feel like Tom Cruise. *plays Mission Impossible background music*
  15. Stage a protest to let people inside Octa and Library wearing shorts.

These stunts were not performed by trained professionals, so they got expelled.

Perform the above things at your own risk. The author who wrote the article has in no way performed any of the above-mentioned feats. Readers, if they really wish to do so, are requested to attempt this under the close supervision of a pullaingo.

This piece was written in collaboration with Jabberwocky.

