How to: Not Die.

Bavesh Rajaraman
The Aaveg Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2020

Quarantine has enlightened us to something: It is the fact that humans can attain inhuman levels of boredom that could quite possibly lead them to learn something new to shake off the mind-numbing sensation that everyone is suffering from. This is after exhausting all the TV Shows, Movies, Anime and Books in existence(actually no, not books, there’s never enough books).

What the general population is doing right now other than spending their time staring at a rotating fan, is to try to look after their future. Hence, to relieve the boredom off of their minds of the poor, Team Aaveg has come up with ways in which the brain is kept from not drying up.


Here you go:

Learn Touch Typing: If you have a laptop and haven’t yet learnt this, then it’s high time you learn it. Not only will it increase your typing speed enormously, but it will also reduce strain on your neck, which accompanies a long session on the laptop. Though it might seem like a pain in the neck (haha…ha) to learn it in the first place, its advantages are clearly visible.

Build a reading habit: This is a suggestion for the section of people that haven’t discovered the bliss of reading books. It’s high time you start chugging through books. Bit by bit if you must. You will surely explore worlds unlike which you’ve never thought possible and get to live through the lives of famous personalities and experience their struggles.

Try out art: With nothing but time in your hands, let your pen move freely through the paper, let your mind present itself on it. There’s no good or bad art. There’s only art. Draw till your arms hurt, till you feel better and more human than ever. And slowly, will you see improvement.

Workout from home: Quarantine is no excuse to let yourself slouch and gift yourself a beer belly(but without beer). There are various kinds of workout regimens that can keep you fit right at home, without needing to step out of it. Step up your game, and impress your crush (highly unlikely, but do try!)!!

Learn something new if you aren’t already. Create an account on Coursera or edX or any other e-learning platform (NPTEL too. It’s actually not bad) and check out topics that interest you. The world is far and wide, and what we know is smaller than a droplet of rain. Enlighten yourself with knowledge.

Learn to cook. If you didn’t know how to make a dosa which looks like a dosa, then learn it! You won’t know when you’ll get stuck in a post-apocalyptic world where you’re the only living human. And definitely, the satisfaction of eating your own hard work is unmatched.

Conquer new seas during this apocalypse, and emerge as a victor. Sharpen your swords, and change for the good. The new you is what you need to forge, and this is the best opportunity one can ever come across. Be glad that you’re safe, and try to save the world. Happy Quarantine!!

