Movies: A Tear-Down

Aaveg Content Team
The Aaveg Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2020

Look, I cry when I watch emotional scenes on screen. I can’t help it, it just happens. (Now before any of you start sniggering, let me tell you, there was a research piece doing the rounds on Facebook last year, according to which those who do this are very intelligent people, so there!)

Last weekend, I was at a friend’s house. He invited me to watch a film with him. It was apparently one of his favourites, one which I hadn’t watched before. ‘I think you’ll like it’ he said, ‘give it a try’. So I did and almost two hours later, the film ended with some mildly touching dialogue by a young lady. Without warning, a tear sprung out of my right eye and gently streamed down my cheek. I gulped. It was bad enough when this happens in my own house in front of my sister, I get roasted. This was infinitely worse. Damn! Delicately, I lifted my right hand and, without removing my glasses, tried to stop the flow at its source. I was only partly successful. I immediately rested my chin on my palm and stuck my index finger up towards the offending eye. Just then, I heard what sounded like a sniff from my left. I stiffened and listened. Cautiously, I turned towards my friend. Could it be .. was it even possible ..? Then I distinctly heard a sob. And another. I turned fully towards him now. A sharp short from him was accompanied by some choking sounds and a manic heaving of the shoulders. I stared in amazement.

I had done it! I had finally met a man who was more than a match for me in this department! I had nothing to hide now. I removed my glasses and wiped my eyes unabashedly, confidently. Then I took out my handkerchief and blew my nose happily.

This piece was written in collaboration with Morpheus.

