The Abyss: Ashes, Ashes

Aaveg Content Team
The Aaveg Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2020

‘Over lifetimes,

Over seas and sands,

Over storms and tranquil clouds,

Over war and love,

In your name, I rest.’

Present Day:

He bangs the table in frustration cursing loudly, creating a cloud of dust. He watches, fascinated as it disintegrates into thin air, so absorbed in it that he doesn’t notice the familiar “tap tap “of Alan climbing up the stairs. He widens his eye as though he’s just had an epiphany. “Ma”, he says looking back and smiling at his mother. “I think I’ve found the solution. So simple. It was staring me in the face all along”. There is a kind of madness in his face that forces Alan, who’s now standing at his door, to ask, “Are you sure you’re alright, Adam?”. Adam now stands up, grinning ear to ear.

“Of course, old friend. After 15 long years of research, I’ve finally found the key. Oh, how everyone mocked me! I gritted through my job for 10 years despite lesser minds criticising my work, questioning my mental health, laughing at me behind my back, only to get fired! Ah!”, he looks angry for a brief moment as he grips his chair firmly. “You’re batshit crazy, they said. But I must admit, old friend, there were times, dark times when I too succumbed to their words. I believed them.”, he says looking at his mother who now looks grim and stares back at him through teary eyes.

He suddenly laughs hysterically, runs to his mother on the other end of the room, carries her and spins her around. “I’ll prove them all wrong Alan. You’ll see”. Alan looks positively alarmed but can’t contain his curiosity. “So, how is it you plan on proving them wrong?”. He doesn’t answer as he puts his mum down and kisses her forehead. She nods and whispers, “I’ll always be there with you”. “I know Ma”, he responds smiling. He opens the window next to her and climbs over the railing, his face the epitome of serenity. Alan runs towards him screaming in horror, alas, he’s too late as he helplessly watches him disappear into the cold, dark night.

This piece was written in collaboration with Mr Bonkers.

