Steering Buy-side Contracts With Lesser Risks and Greater Efficiency

Sonal Mehta
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2022

Within the world of contract management, the people most often managing your Buy-Side contracts are your CPOs and their procurement teams — they are the people within your organization who drive both the RFP (Request for Proposal) and RFQ (Request for Quote) processes, as well as contract negotiations and contract spend management.

CPOs require immediate access to contracts in order to negotiate the best possible price with vendors, re-negotiate the price with current vendors, and manage the total spend for their respective organizations. Their role is integral to identifying the lowest possible cost, recognizing potential price discounts within their contracts, and ensuring that the goods and services procured are delivered in line with agreed contract terms.

5 Benefits of Immediate Access to Contracts for Buy-Side Contract Management

Read More: 7 Questions every CPO should ask before investing in Contract Management Software

Actions that form good procurement contract management

The basic framework for contract management depends on the implementation of successful results and investigation activities. During the proposal stage, staff should focus on the rationale for the contract and if the supplier can meet the terms of the agreement. A further review is required to understand how the contract will work once completed. Avoiding unwanted problems demands careful research and clarity of objective in the actual agreement. An intelligent contract management platform can destress entire buy-side contracting processes.

Image Source: World Commerce & Contracting

Download this quick guide to learn more about how can CPOs manage buy-side contracts with lesser risks and greater efficiency.

This guide has all insights that will aid you to realize maximum value from buy-side contracts, minimize risks and elevate cost savings, by investing in an AI-enabled contract management system. Download Now.

