[W.15] Life’s too short to f•ck about.

Check out our latest progress

Joost Toornend
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2019


Last week we ended with an important meeting at a major airline. Together with the directors at the table, we agreed to do some extra research on both sides to make Aavio happen. This week we’ve mainly been working on these various subjects.


Daniël is making steady progress with the front-end. Every time a new screen is finished the whole team gets an update on their phones. It is amazing to see the app come to life like that. This week Daniël finished the notification screen and managed to get half-way with the profile page.

In the meantime, Ben is building a data crawler to collect and analyze pricing data from every airline and route in Europe. This will boost our understanding of pricing models and trends within the industry. It will also be the initial step for a new feature where users can see the best possible dates to book a certain ticket when they are not using Aavio for the last-second option. In the end, Aavio should become the first app you start when you want to get away last-minute or last-second.

Business development

This is the first blog that our new RSS mailer will pick up. As of today, we have a simple yet effective RSS mailer to automatically distribute our weekly update to our community. All subscribers of our newsletter will receive this weekly update once per week in their mailbox. If you haven’t done so, you can easily subscribe here.

As you probably know, the Aavio token (AAV) is live on Ethereum main net. The first way to obtain these tokens is by referring Aavio to friends and family. Our goal is to start growing our community to a group that is daily active. A referral program will open soon.

Big news! We are looking for a select group of ‘test pilots’ who are craving for adventure and willing to travel around Europe in true Aavio fashion. Subscribe to our newsletter and tick ‘Yes’ at the question about joining the test group. Please do note that it will take some months before the first version is live.

We have started to re-write our initial whitepaper for the investors and airlines we talked to. We want to include everything we have in this document, including branding, validation and marketing/communication/sales strategies. It will take some time to do it well but we’re getting somewhere.

Talking about validation, how do you validate something that has never been done? Innovation is often a matter of just trying out things that work. However, we aren’t there yet. We need to validate our proposition and we’ve designed a proper methodology to do so. Simply said; We’ll start with a social media campaign in the near future to grow our community and measure response on our proposition while on the other side a big questionnaire is being designed and held by a leading expert in the field of marketing research. Those two results will be analyzed to form a validation base for further research.

That's it for now, have a great weekend!

Team Aavio



Joost Toornend
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast