[W.24] …

Read about our latest endeavors

Joost Toornend
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2019


We’ve all been very busy with our regular jobs. This caused some work to stay behind for this week. But to not disappoint entirely, here’s a sneak peek of our first marketing campaign:

We updated our marketing funnel and have made preparations to start with social media marketing, targeting European students at geo locations of universities.

So how does this work?

We have a questionnaire online. This questionnaire makes a profile of every respondent and automatically filters him/her into one of 3 groups.

  • Never going to use Aavio
  • Likely to use Aavio
  • Potential Customer

We extrapolate these user profiles to a much larger audience in Europe at locations where we know they are present. So where do you find adventurous millennials/Gen X who have the money and time to try out Aavio and are intrinsically motivated to share experiences with their friends?

European universities, which are filtered based on the distance from an international airport.

So we know who they are, where they are and how late they are. All we need to do is to try out various messages to see what works the best.

Once all this is set, a big marketing campaign can start to attract more attention to this project.


We did plan some important meetings next week so we’ll expect more action then..

What did you think of our strategy? Will it work or do we have to go back at the drawing board? Come and discuss the strategy and more in our Discord community

Have a great weekend guy!



Joost Toornend
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast