[W.27] Real progress!

Joost Toornend


Another week is done. Let’s recap!

Hi Guys!

Week 27 has officially finished and it has been a very productive one for sure.


We had an important meeting with the development and marketing side of Aavio to talk about progress. Achmed supported us with his wisdom and all-in-all we managed to decide on some very important strategical moves for the near future. It won’t be long until you see these things come to life...

Erno & Achmed during our team meeting


Daniël really made an effort and finished the front-end of the app’s Alpha version! The result is a beautiful App with an easy-to-use interface and minimalistic animations to cross the T’s and dot the I’s.


As we said before, we are now active on crowd holding. Here we can initiate bounties and reward them with AAV. A great way to get us going! Sign up for crowdholding to earn your first AAV!

The first Aviation loyalty token to be paid for a bounty…

Furthermore, our marketing research is almost done. Instead of the necessary 400 responses, we got over 516 (till now)! This helps us tremendously to further improve our concept, offer, and development. A brief look at the data already gave us some major insights about our concept and the obstacles we need to overcome. During next week’s update, we will tell more about the things we discovered.

So that’s it, for now… Next week we hope to bring some more good news!




Joost Toornend
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast