[W.36] We’re back!


Joost Toornend
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2019


Hi Guys!

After a well-deserved summer break, we’re back in business! In order to start with energy and motivation after a long holiday, we decided to take the team up into the air.

Aavio team

At Aavio, we are convinced that first times are always great adventures and that (team) culture is one of the most important aspects of success. As none of the team had ever skydived, we thought that it would make a great ‘fuck it’ moment for them to get back on track. Martijn, our video director made this awesome impression.

Look at those scared faces 😂

Business development

For some, the holiday came earlier than for others. Before the holiday we were in contact with some pretty innovative people to bring Aavio to the next phase. This first week we reached out again and not without success! We made an appointment with the head of digital affairs of probably the biggest independent airline in Europe. End of this month, Erno and Joost will be going to Venice, Italy, for a quick meeting.

We are invited to come speak to a group of 100 first-year business students to present the concept, hurdles, and opportunities. For us, this is a great chance to further perfect our concept as we are in direct contact with our target audience. So next Tuesday, Inholland Business University.


Remember the market validation research we’d done before the holiday? Right. We now have over 1000 responses from 4 different age categories. This week we’ve asked an expert in statistics to analyze all data and to verify our initial findings. Once we got that verification too, we have enough to present an overfull business case for investors and airlines.


The community has enjoyed their summer holiday as well and most of the hard-core members have been very busy too. Joost is going to be far more active so don’t forget to say ‘hello’ every once and a while. Time to get this community back to life.

So this was it for this week! We’ll be back next week with a brand new update.


Team Aavio



Joost Toornend
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast