Weekly summary

Rajesh kumar
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2017

Missed all AB-CHAIN news in the past week?
No problem, we got you covered! Here’s a quick summary of some things we’ve been up to in the past 7 days.

1. We translated our one-pager to Chinese for the convenience of our investors who speak this language natively. To read the AB-CHAIN one-pager in Chinese, please, follow this link.
2. We introduced our international strategy advisor, Adrien Henni! Adrien is a co-founder and chief editor at East-West Digital News, co-founder at Follow Analytics, a US-based mobile marketing startup and Senior investment manager at Fastlane Ventures, a Western fund in Russia.



Rajesh kumar
Editor for

Computer Engineer and Independent Crypto and Blockchain Enthusiast cum Advisor