Designer Challenge #DailyUI #001 Sign Up

Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2019

Recently I’ve got to know about a Daily UI design challenge and decided to give a try to my designer skills.

Briefly about the challenge:

  • once you enroll, you receive your daily e-mail with a new challenge description (with an exception for the weekend)
  • each day (apart from the weekend, when you are given an opportunity to take a rest) you create a new UI sample and share it with the corresponding hashtag / mention

Here’s what I like about the idea:

  • your level doesn’t matter. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer, you have equal chances
  • your desire and persistency is the only thing that matters.
  • yes, when you’re just at the start of your way it might take loads of time to complete the task. Yet, the result is what matters and not your titles or previous achievements, or even previous job experience.

Long story short, I’m in.

And here’s the first task I received.

Challenge Task

Still working on my Coffee Finder app, I decided to make this challenge also applicable to the coffee case.


I carefully examined Sign-Up screens of various apps, trying to identify common elements for them.

Here’s the variants I received:

variant 1

So here’s what we see:

  • Sign Up using e-mail
  • Option to dismiss the operation with Close button
  • Log In written in bold to make it identify a clickable element
variant 2

Here’s what I received in the next app:

  • option to go Back (and dismiss the operation)
  • Log In with underlined font to identify a clickable element
  • option to choose whether to Sign Up with e-mail or social networks.
variant 3

In the next version the choice get even bigger and more detailed information is given:

  • Back button to dismiss the action
  • option to use even more social accounts (Facebook, Google) or e-mail
  • fields for entering main sign up information: Name — Email — Password
  • Privacy Policy
variant 4

Variant 4 continues the ideas from version 3:

  • Back button
  • Option to choose between E-mail or Facebook sign up
  • Terms of service
  • Only e-mail and password are required for e-mail sign-up

Paper Work

Common elements for all of the examined screens:

  • Close / Go back button at the top (with an ability to dismiss the action)
  • Sign Up or Log In option (suitable for registered and not registered users)
  • E-mail option for Sign Up at least (and social variants in some cases)

Considering all the mentioned variants and keeping in mind the app’s ideas, here’s what I received:

  1. Back button is more common than Close to dismiss an operation
  2. There should be a choice between E-mail and social networks sign-up (Facebook in my case)
  3. Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is a common legal requirement for most of the apps
  4. There should be a chance to skip the step (it shouldn’t be obligatory from the start. A user needs to an option to do it only in case definite functions are required, such as connecting to your social friends).

At this stage I got to the decision of two screens for Sign Up. And here’s the first Daily UI challenge task done:

After gathering first feedback reworked several details:

  • made the text fields more narrow to be suitable for a wider range of devices
  • added the logo for the second screen (with an idea a bigger logo on the 1st screen should change into a smaller version on the 2nd)

And here it is on Dribble (again, my debut):

Dribble Shot




Дерзай, и все получится! Откуда я знаю? А ты попробуй ;)